Men’s Group Raises $36,000 to Stop Domestic Violence
Story here. Excerpt:
'NORTH EASTON, MA (February 16, 2009) – Despite a difficult economy, the men’s group of Congregational Covenant Church recently raised $36,000 for two agencies assisting battered women.
The community also has been eager to support the dinner. “We have made this into a very visible cause,” says Kevin Symmons, one of the co-chairs.
In the past four years the men have raised more than $130,000. They held the first event after taking an oath as part of the White Ribbon Campaign to do whatever they could to stop domestic violence.
Symmons says he is grateful for the active support the men in the church have shown. They had so many who wanted to help with the dinner that “we had to turn away volunteers and tell the guys to enjoy the dinner with their wives,” he says.'
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My Thoughts
I sent them a comment. It reads:
I think it's wonderful that you're making an effort to help the victims of domestic violence. I just hope that you will not turn away the male victims as well. Countless recent psychological studies have proven that men are about as likely, if not more likely (as is the case in the UK) to suffer from IPV.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Why can't these men see?
Why can't these men see that their "gallantry/chivalry" is being used against them?
They've been brainwashed into supporting their own oppression with things like VAWA, and they're actually going out and fund-raising for it???
There just isn't any cure for STUPID is there?
Now that these "men" have done their bit to secure the safety and prosperity of the matriarchy they can now relax a bit and do some banjo picking and buck dancing around their "mens" quarters cabins. Hey, they did such a good job bringing in the cash harvest for the matriarchy their mistresses just may treat them to a fish fry as a reward for all of their hard work. Lucky dogs!!!!!!!
I Sent Them A Comment Too.
Men are just as likely to suffer from domestic violence as are women. So where are their shelters? Where are the advocacy groups for them? Where are the laws protecting them?
Forgive Them Father
They know not what they do.
I couldn't get angry when I read the article because the truth is, the men's hearts are in the right place. Sadly, they have likely been brainwashed into believing the old feminist myth of women being six times more likely to be victims of DV. If people who made an effort against violence against women, made as much of an effort against spousal violence altogether, the world would be a much better place, I'm sure.
Sometimes I wonder if I should start an organization. One that firmly stands against violence, all forms, regardless of the victim. This includes violence as comedy. Let's face facts. Unless men and women work together to end violence against both men and women, it's never going to happen. A stain on the rug can never be cleaned, when about half of it is hidden under the couch.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!