Jury convicts woman in husband's death

Story here. Excerpt:

'After more than 30 hours of emotional deliberation, a Macomb County jury found Fayette Nale guilty of manslaughter in the September 2007 death of her husband.
Michael Nale, 56, died of a stab wound to the chest. Fayette Nale said her husband fell on a kitchen knife after he began to attack her in their Richmond condominium. She claimed she was a victim of years of domestic abuse.
Officials with Turning Point of Macomb, an agency that helps victims of domestic violence, said they were disappointed with the verdict.

"While we know that nationwide 75%-80% of battered women are convicted when they are charged with the homicide of their abuser, we had hoped for a different outcome this time," said Sue Coats.'

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You must be kidding me.

{Cabaret Voltaire}

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that nationwide 75-80% of battered women are convicted when they
are charged w/ homicide of their abuser. we had hoped for a different
outcome this time". said sue coats.????

who the heck is this cheerleader sue coats? hey butch, your team lost.
or as close to losing as feminists get, and as close to justice as
men murdered by women get. since i have read the playbook
on this topic, i will now give the actual
translation from fem-math, half truths and falsely perceived victimization
into English as follows:

"as usual, i am pulling these numbers out of my ass, and you can tell they are
made up/manipulated by me because i am referring to this evil woman as being abused
when it was officially concluded that SHE was actually in the wrong. and we used her
in our totally bogus feminist stat's we insist our congress (chumps) listen to,
and pass us special legislation ($$$) to fund our sooo many bogus causes, and don't
tell anyone because we used (vawa) gov't funding to pay all her lawyers
whatever they wanted, and give her free $$ support because of her
fake situation, and bla bla ... ".

funny? how a man was murdered and yet the whole thing was seen by the feminists
as HER being a victim, and how it should be expected that EVERY woman get off free.

i am told to pray for these type people, so i PRAY GOD has their reward
FULLY prepared when they get to that special place special people deserve.
more prayers to come, i'm sure.

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I too shall pray to the Good Lord that justice be served on judgment day. May the guilty pay in full for their evil crimes. Amen.

Ironically, I actually just came from church.

Don't worry, brother. Our prayer will be answered. As it says in Psalms "the way of the wicked will perish", or as I like to abbreviate it "...the wicked will perish."

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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i got run out of my old methodist church when feminism invaded
the pulpit; and, they snuck them in w/o warning.

every time i go to a new "church" it isn't long before
the anti-male jargon begins. the manginas in these so-called
churches make me nauseous in short order. i really feel sort
of sorry for them. little do they realize that all it takes is
a phone call and a lie from her to get him evicted from his home,
lose everything he wrongly believes he owns, forfeit access to his children
(if they are really his) and, if he doesn't
"go along", could very easily lose his freedom due to false accusations.
no truth required, and no punishment for her lies. and every one of them
thinks it won't happen to him. naive, ignorant or just stupid?

but i haven't given up on finding a good place to worship. we are told
not to put our faith in men, for good reason. and what's that line
by Paul about women keeping silent in Church? now we know why.

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I feel for you, brother. Let me tell you, if my church ever started preaching the feminist agenda, I'd leave right in the middle of the service. Fortunately for me, I'm Catholic, and that's as old school Christian as you can get. Naturally, we're old-fashioned and traditional. Women are welcome, but only males take the leadership roles. Hence, hate spiel will never make it into the doors of my church.

I think that feminised churches need to read the part of the Bible which speaks of what makes a woman a good wife. You will find that feminists don't meet 99% of, if not all of the criteria.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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