Human Rights Watch: At least 140,000 male inmates are raped in the US each year

Report here. Excerpt:

'The present report--the product of three years of research and well over a thousand inmate letters--describes the complex dynamics of male prisoner-on-prisoner sexual abuse in the United States. The report is an effort to explain why and how such abuse occurs, who commits it and who falls victim to it, what are its effects, both physical and psychological, how are prison authorities coping with it and, most importantly, what reforms can be instituted to better prevent it from occurring.'

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Hardly anyone sees prisoners as human beings, first of all they're men so right there is demon status. On top of that, it's completely their fault they are in prison. Society gave them a chance and made them feel as if they had a role to play where they could find happiness and contribute to society, yet THEY must simply be evil.

Gogo Ingroup/Outgroup

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The truly sad thing is this kind of thing is joked about all the time. It's no laughing matter.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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People across all spectrums in America, joke about prison rape. Needless to say, the media goes along with this "humor" by depicting it (i.e. the joking) in movies, TV, etc.

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