Daughter Set Mother on Fire, Georgia Police Say

Story here.

'NORCROSS, Ga. — A Norcross mother is recovering from severe burns after police said she was deliberately set on fire.

Investigators said the assault occurred Tuesday afternoon at a residence on Langston Road.

Norcross Police Capt. Brian Harr said Na Yong Pak, 31, was booked on an aggravated assault charge.

Harr said Pak allegedly doused the unnamed 50-year-old victim with some type of accelerate and set her ablaze. The woman suffered second and third degree burns. She was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital for treatment. Her condition was not immediately available.

Police said Pak has a prior arrest for domestic violence.'

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The mother died of her burns.

However, the daughter has a prior history of mental disorders so she will walk as we all know.

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Prolly, but she can change, she has a vagina.

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