Woman Confesses to Murder on Radio over Child Support Payments

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'Woman confesses to murder on national radio program because man wouldn't pay child support. It is not clear whether this is a case of someone getting away with murder or just a prank.'

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Hey, if the state awarded you a tax free revenue stream for 18 years and you didn't receive it wouldn't you be more that a little p.offed too?

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If this was not a prank then this should be a huge wake up call to men everywhere that things need to change immediately. We all know that women are often completely brazen about crimes they commit because they know full well that no one will punish them. Oh, sure, there's the one in a million chance they'll get caught and maybe punished, but really, they know they are going to get away with it.

This did not sound like a prank call, this sounded like a woman who knows full well that she's already gotten away with it and that she will not get punished because the evidence of her crime has been destroyed.

When are people going to wake up and realize that crime is not a man issue but a human issue. Any honest person knows that in reality (not official crime statistics which are only a tiny glimpse of the true picture) women commit as many crimes and evil acts as men. Evil, bad behavior, stupidity, malice, greed, dishonesty and all the rest are not exclusively the dominion of the male of the species but are expressed pretty equally through out both genders.

We just refuse to acknowledge the female of the species propensity for deviant and criminal behavior.

Of course as always, if a man called into a talk show and confessed to a murder the police would have tracked him down within 24 hours and he'd be sitting in prison without bail charged with first degree murder. No one would even offer the possibility that it was a prank call, they'd just find him, arrest him and lock him away.

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