DV groups relinquishes state funding after refusing to help male victims

Article here. Excerpt:

ABUSED and battered women brave enough to front Gosford Court could do so without help after the Central Coast domestic violence intervention response team handed back its State Government funding.

The dramatic decision followed orders from the Community Services Department for the team to care for male victims of domestic violence at its women’s “safe room” at the courthouse.
The order shocked long-time domestic violence volunteers Pat Gaunt and Kaye Spicer.

The intervention response team has workers at Brisbane Water command police stations who contact victims as soon as possible to guide them through the court process.

The service has successfully operated under the auspices of the domestic violence court assistance scheme for five years.

But after “constant interference” by the department, the management committee unanimously voted to hand back responsibility and funding.

“We are not prepared to compromise the integrity of our service by operating under the onerous and inappropriate conditions being imposed by the department,” Ms Spicer said.'

I've said it before (I've been saying it for years), and I'll continue to say it: "this De Guello!" ideology of the Gynocentry is going to be their undoing. When they so adamantly refuse to lift a finger to address the problem of battered men that they'd prefer to return funding then assist the aforementioned battered men.

How does this speak for their desire to achieve anything beyond perpetuate their own misandric (ie male bashing) 'Cult of Victimology' rhetoric? Even sadder when you stop to consider the vast majority of academic study reports reports men are battered in roughly equitable ratios as are women. CDC studies, DoJ studies, NIJ studies, NAMHC studies, etc. all offer essentially the same returns, that battered men are a serious concern for sociologists.

So these battered women's advocates: are they in their line to assist victims of battering? Or merely perpetuate their own brand of hatred for men under the guise of assisting female victims of men?

Gunner Retired

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There are ALOT of feminist programs that need to be examined in this recession. If internal affairs wanted to help cut the deficeit, then they could cancel alot of feminists group's little girls only club DV shelters just for starters.
Not saying it would solve much, but when something is unfair and uneeded in the time of recession, why not.

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Good to see that Australia at least has taken a small step at really resolving domestic violence by recognizing the neglected other half of the victims....MEN!

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Did they get to keep the "safe room" in the court at public expense? This is a big source of funding. The only "safe room" men get is the mens room, complete with unshielded urinals.

On another note, this completely belies the claim of gender neutrality of the shelter system. Too bad we don't have the means to keep this in the news.

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I've had personal experience with the local DV center. What they get away with is astounding! Many of their "clients" are violent, abusive drug addicts and/or alcoholics.
They use their "battered" women's shelter as a hotel for just about any woman that needs a free place to stay. Along with all the extra "perks" included- like free wardrobe, entertainment vouchers, travel expenses (airline and local), pro bono legal aid, cash, anything and everything.
They'll give a pro bono attorney to just about any woman that's served papers for a child custody or visitation dispute by the father. They'll tell the woman what to say (accusations to make) in order to get what they want in court, even when it's a complete lie. They'll keep the father from the children at all cost, then they'll bring a lawsuit to force the father to pay for everything they paid out to his ex.
When they're shown proof that the mother is a drug addict, convicted drug dealer, abusive mother etc., they STILL lie and fight for them- to the detriment of the children. The judges don't even care about the children, just what these places want them to do.

They allow women that don't have primary custody (but are fighting father's custody) to use the "battered" women's shelter as a hotel for child visitation. It's not right that children are brought to a homeless shelter for visitation by mothers that don't have the sense to make different arrangements.

The most terrible thing is that the entire system is usually run on what these organizations want, so fathers usually never have a chance to remain in their child's life. His life, and his children's are unfairly destroyed. It's a terrible injustice that should be seriously investigated, but the truth would mean the end to all their blood money, so don't hold your breath.

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On top of that, my comments to the article weren't posted. Go figure.

NM, it was just Delayed. Funny how the women that posts are so agressive and defensive, but the guys are actually using information that is less biased. Not to say women are intentionally viscous, just that they may truly believe the feminist's groups information. I think the head needs to be cut from the serpent of Radical Feminism by investigating the source of all information that organizations use.

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