UK Guardian: This mess was made by men. Now let the women have their say
Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-02-09 18:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'There is a school of thought that the crisis was the product of overwrought masculinity on trading floors and in bank boardrooms. The mostly male commentary is in a similar vein, couched in language that is dehumanising, aggressive and militaristic.
We can't undo the crisis, but we can change the terms of the analysis so we think and talk about it in a more rounded way; so that we listen to the voices of women; and so that we bring some humanity into economic discourse. The harsh truth is that this clean-up is too important to be left to the men who made the mess.'
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Where Did The Good Times Come From?
Of course no one is pointing out that the present economic downturn is a move away from unparalleled economic good times, prosperous times that were the result of male investors making correct investment decisions.
The "this mess was made by men" types are the first ones to call it sexist if you say "men made medicine" or "men made science" or "men made most inventions" etc. They would immediately point out that women did contribute in many ways despite being denied equal opportunities to do so. But as soon as it's something negative, like war or an economic "mess," suddenly they find it ok to attribute the whole thing to men. Total, absolute hypocrisy.
If women would take care of themselves
then there wouldn't be any excuses.
As it is right now, men bust their asses to bring home the bacon for the little lady.
If SHE paid the way, then there wouldnt be any excuses would there?
oregon dad
Systemic Collapse
" ... Of course no one is pointing out that the present economic downturn is a move away from unparalleled economic good times, prosperous times .... "
That's because were on the edge of the abyss ... heading into systemic economic collapse.
No good economic times ahead ... ponzi economics are over.
PEAK DEBT ... Hello! We're there!
Did you know that the entire (supposed)growth in GNP over the past 12-15 years is due entirely to increase in debt consumption. That's right ... it's ALL been illusory. Buying that big screen TV on credit adds to GNP ... but economically you are poorer. Why? Because the loan has to be paid back with interest. You were wealthier BEFORE you took the loan! The only thing excess loose credit has done is pull forward future demand into the present ... but, in the long run demand decreases as the loan must be paid back with interest. Mathematics never lies.
On the bright side ... the economic collapse we're entering should destroy the welfare state and much of feminist entitlement.
On the dark side ... beware of the totalitarian police state.
Money and debt - some things every man needs to know
You're definitely on the right track, sir. Here's some background on debt-based money and the endless, ever-growing need to make more interest. It's basic information that no man should be without:
Google Video: "Money as Debt"
As for the media? They'll spew hatred at us no matter what happens so I'm not about to start listening to their BS now. Misandry sells things to women. As long as women are buying, they'll keep doing it, simple as that.
Try to avoid contact with the media if you want to live a longer, happier life or if you want the hate to stop. When women realize that we're not listening, the sick little thrill they get from watching the media spewing misandry at us will be gone (this is what they're after, not the hate itself). That will eventually cause the expression of hatred to subside.
It's interesting to note,
It's interesting to note, that the Guardian and NY Times are two left-wing newspapers and this "men are responsible for the mess" business has been predominately pushed by the left. The economic crisis is ripe for the left to expoit this for their own ends, they'll push for more regulation, not just in how banks operate but in terms of hiring for jobs, quoters, accelerated promotion, etc. That's why these op-ed pieces keep appearing blaming men. Expect women to gain many more advantages over men in the economic crisis.
I stopped watching TV almost
I stopped watching TV almost a year ago.