Blog: "WhyBoysFail.com" tracks boys' educational trends
'About' page here. Excerpt:
'That chart you see above is one reason why this issue is so intriguing: What happened in that time interval to motivate so many more girls than boys to aspire to higher education? That’s a puzzle, but there are reasons beyond that puzzle to conclude this is an issue that will rise in importance. Regardless of why boys are relative slackers, the momentum of this social change appears unstoppable, at least in the near future. Women will increasingly dominate higher education. Within about ten years, the average U.S. campus will have two females for every male.
Given that both the College Board and U.S. Department of Education agree there are no economic reasons for these imbalances (men and women get equal income boosts from earning bachelor’s degrees), something here is amiss. My own theory is that as the world has become more verbal, schools have allowed boys to slip behind in literacy skills.'
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schools don't care about boys
Boys have very little chance for success in today's schools (at least in the US). The majority of the educational system is ran by women, boys just get in the way. It is easier for teachers to tell you that your son has ADD/ADHD rather than accommodate his needs.
In my state they changed the whole math curriculum to be more 'female friendly'. That's right, they changed math! Accuracy no longer counts, but if you can write a big long drawn-out explanation as to what you were thinking about when you attempted to solve the problem then you get full credit regardless of wether your answer is right or wrong.
Now on our 'female friendly' state math test girls out-score boys even though on traditional math tests it is the other way around. Guess which test our state is sticking with to be the 'gatekeeper' to pass to the next grade?
They spent millions on this new female math, and then decided to cut PE.
I don't even send my boys to school (I'm not kidding).
Kris & RandomMan
It would probably help if you sent those comments to the author:
My own thinking is that most teachers today have been exposed to the misandry of womens studies and consciously or unconsciously bring this bias into the classrooms. Anecdotes from Hoff Sommers The War Against Boys convinced me of this.