OC Weekly Runs Racist, Misandrist "News" Cover

Look at this will you. The author all but paints (white) men categorically as drooling Asian-hungry predators. Well hasn't she ever met an Asian woman who only dates white or black men? I'll bet she knows a few. But these, I am sure she will say are victims of the "colonial occupation" and are to be sympathized with as victims.

What an incredibly smug, racist and sexist person she is. If she is so unhappy with "white guys" coming on to her, then she can wear a button that says "No white guys need apply". There, that will take care of her problem. Or maybe she is just having too much fun laughing at the misguided fools who waste their time trying to talk to her.

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This one line really got to me ---

"We’ve become the latest accessories; Asians are the new pink."

The entire article is honest, insightful, and provocative. (Though not without perspectives that you might take issue with...)

She doesn't so much bash white guys who covet Asian women as much as she looks at the whole range of stupid racial-erotic false stereotypes and cliches.

This woman can write. And think.


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Asian women are good - but to maximize the experience you have to stay in Asia with them. If you bring them here, they start turning in to American women with no cultural context.

oregon dad

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... that any traditional female that you take out of her indigenous culture who then gets exposed to the virus of modern American feminist anti-femininity gets corrupted?

I can buy that argument, with one caveat:

Feminism is now an international franchise.

The mail order bride industry is one excellent example of how women in Russia, the Phillipines, Venezuela, etc. have all totally learned feminism's textbook of predatory tactics.

VAWA 2005-2010 even has a provision that requires firms "trafficking" in foreign brides to obtain and disclose a prospective U.S. husband's entire financial and criminal records.

(No bankrupcy, no divorce with back-due child support, no DV misdemeanors allowed...)

A traditional woman is just a female not yet enrolled in the legal apparatus of feminism and still lacking a cell phone with 911 on her speed-dial.

oregon dad is giving good advice.

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I read that entire article in print and can't decide which is more galling: the article itself or a fawning post from someone purporting to be male!

It is a childish outpouring of disgusting personal prejudices (a la Mein Kampf), rife with hypocrisy.

Her "Asian male sterotypes" were news to me, by the way. One of the heroes of my youth was Bruce Lee, who was definitely not "virginal and emasculated."

How can you say she writes well after reading those hearsay stories about the gay males, and her girlfriend? That's not journalism, that's hearsay.

"Yellow fever" = yellow journalism. It was almost like reading the S.C.U.M. Manifesto.

> she looks at the whole range of stupid racial-
> erotic false stereotypes and cliches

How could a woman POSSIBLY be in a position to separate myth from reality in that regard? Some stereotypes happen to be accurate. One being that Asian women (from Asia) generally treat their men better than their disputacious Western counterparts. And I'm not basing that on just my experience; you should check the INS marriage stats. Marriages of American men to Filipinas, to pick a country, have an 80% success rate --substantially better than all-domestic marriages.

Another accurate stereotype (to pick one more) is that Thai women's breasts are different (some are wider at the base). If you don't believe me you can find at least one Thai government study showing that Western bras have caused deformities in Thai women's breasts, which is why they make their own bras now.

Stereotypes are not necessarily false, although the ones that she made up for this article probably are (I had never heard *any* of those).

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I can picture what you mean though. We have a few adverts here in the UK that are similar. I think it's inappropriate for advertising companies to use such ads to sell products.

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No I don't agree this.Indian woman are good.All cannot be like this.The mail order bride industry is one excellent example of how women in Russia, the Phillipines, Venezuela, etc. have all totally learned feminism's textbook of predatory tactics.

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Women are not that minded.Some may be but not all.This is not accepted.There, that will take care of her problem. Or maybe she is just having too much fun laughing at the misguided fools who waste their time trying to talk to her.Thanks for sharing.

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I haven't eaten a Burger King burger in years! This commercial doesn't make me want to start again. Screw Burger King for their short sighted misandry. I hope they go bankrupt and if they are depending on my repeat business they certainly will go bankrupt.

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