Fathers' rights vs. gender bias

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers everyday are being denied equal rights regarding their children in custody cases. Gender bias should be eliminated from family law and future legislation. BOTH biological parents should be responsible for the emotional well-being of their children, as well as assuming financial responsibility.

Child support orders should be reasonable--realistically reflect the cost of the basic needs of the child as well as the responsibilities of both parents in a shared parenting plan. When parents are given equal rights, equal responsibility follows; when parents have equal access to their children, and support levels are reasonable and reflect true cost of raising a child, parents will comply with court orders. When equity is created in our laws, the conflicts inherent in divorce situations dissolve and that in the end is the greatest gift that anyone could possibly bestow on children.'

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Interesting, but I am concerned with articles like this being very limited in circulation.

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