United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'MEXICO CITY, February 3, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A leader in the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has declared that the breakdown of traditional families, far from being a “crisis,” is actually a triumph for human rights.

Speaking at a colloquium held last month at Colegio Mexico in Mexico City, UNFPA representative Arie Hoekman denounced the idea that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births represent a social crisis, claiming that they represent instead the triumph of “human rights” against “patriarchy.”

"In the eyes of conservative forces, these changes mean that the family is in crisis," he said. "In crisis? More than a crisis, we are in the presence of a weakening of the patriarchal structure, as a result of the disappearance of the economic base that sustains it and because of the rise of new values centered in the recognition of fundamental human rights."'

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You mean there's a feminist in the piles of worthless, ineffectual bureaucrats and other hangers-on at the UN? That feminists are convinced that matriarchal family structures are all good while patriarchal family structures are all bad?

Say it ain' so!

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No wonder the family is falling apart.

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The family is Mother and children so it's not falling apart at all, well if it's a boy then it's only a family until the boy reaches 13 then treated as an adult in rape, and at 18 turns into an oppressing, stupid monster that pillages while not raping. At least it's sperm is it's own property.

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We are now living in an age where up is down, down is up, right is wrong, wrong is right...ad infinitum

The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum.

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That's just crazy.

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