Exactly How Are Men Superior?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I love my sons—they’re funny, sweet, and full of surprises. But I don’t understand how a species incapable of feeding themselves—much less hitting the toilet—ever came to rule the planet.

Last week as I watched the 44th male take possession of the most powerful position in the world, I had to ask myself how men ever came to be in charge of the world. How did they surpass women in status, power, and wealth? I don’t hate men, I live with far too many of them to survive day-to-day harboring such feelings. I just know that women are the more capable sex. As early as the age of two, girls leave boys standing bewildered in their dust as they speed along the social, emotional, and intellectual racecourse of life.
How can it be that they can’t overcome hunger, the most basic of human instincts, yet they are given the power of world nuclear annihilation?
The only possible explanation I can come up with is that in prehistoric times, in order to get some real work done, cave women sent their men off to hunt and do battle, and the trend stuck. I love my boys; I find them funny, and sweet, and full of surprises, but I just don’t understand when the girls got lapped in the race. They had such a clear lead.'

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Read some of the comments - many say her article is sexist, etc., then others say things along the lines of "Oh these guys just are being too serious! They just can't take a joke!"

"Ha ha ha"... it's "funny" when men are the butt of the joke of this kind of "humor", isn't it?

What's also "funny" is that her sons will probably grow up to be MRAs.

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I could not stomach reading this estrogen-induced fantasy piece of trash. So if anyone else was able to get through it, tell me please:
Was a father of these sons mentioned?
Any clues as to whereabouts?
What does he think about this article?
And what man would have kids with a ball-busting-bitch like this?

(Last question is rhetorical)

I wouldn't piss on this author if she was on fire.

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I love her anecdote. While neglecting her 5 year old child by being passed out on the couch, her child stole from her purse without permission and answered the door to a stranger delivering pizza.

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But I don’t understand how a species incapable of feeding themselves—much less hitting the toilet—ever came to rule the planet.

Funny, I seem to remember seeing a film about some people who thought other people were part of a different species. They made this lie up because it was politically expedient to degrade those other people.

It was all grainy and black and white. Of course it was sort of hard to understand, since it was in GERMAN and all.

Hateful bitch, isn't she? Oh well, hate sells to women - it's apparently what they all want.

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"How can it be that they can’t overcome hunger" ??

Hmmm....seems they went out and found warm blooded big game to feed and cloth your nearly worthless carcas.

When there were bear roaming and a big threat, women most likely came in handy to draw the beasts away with their fishy smell. It justified having a few women around the camp.

oregon dad

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WOW, This article has left me almost speechless. This woman is the TOTAL opposite of me. She does make a reference to a husband so I assume there is a father in the home. Thank God for that because her boys are going to need him. Can you imagine if this was a father writing about what an idiot his daughter was?

I don't even know where to begin with my rant.

Parents of the opposite gender of their kids need to read up and study about the difference in the developing female brain vs. the developing male brain before they make such criticizing comparisons between boys and girls.

She criticizes her boys' physical development as being inferior to her daughter's as toddlers, but if she were to compare her sons' and daughter's physical development at age 8 or 9, I bet they will out-run, out-throw and out do their sister in every physical activity!

She also notices her boys lagging behind as early as preschool, but from what she describes, I would say they were just acting differently, should I say, like boys.

Unfortunately, all traditional schools are pro-girl. The ages that they teach certain skills and expect kids to master the skills in elementary school are all lined up to the female development timeline. Instead of criticizing her boys, she should be advocating for more physical activity and recess time as this is the age where boys brains are producing chemicals to stimulate muscle growth. Boys also learn social skills through physical play, not by verbally expressing themselves like girls do. Schools are hell-bent on doing everything the female way.

I know some of my statements are generalizations but I have read a lot about the difference in male and female child development and I find it interesting and it has been very true in my experiences with my kids. Maybe I should send her a copy.

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Do the snotty comments about boys "maturing slower" than girls ever stop? Why must growing up be such a developmental rat race for kids? Does it really matter how fast or slow a person develops as long as they're fully grown by the time they reach adulthood?

So a relatively small difference in the age at which boys and girls reach puberty becomes an excuse to humiliate the entire male gender. When girls are at an disadvantage in some area, that becomes a reason to help them, but when boys lag behind in some way, it's a reason to belittle them.

It's just evil.

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Personally, I think this woman should be arrested and tried on child abuse charges. Any mother who would do this to her own son deserves jail time.

One myth feminism managed to destroy is the myth of unconditional mother love. Women are not the nurturing, caring, compassionate beings we've been told they were. This article is Exhibit A. Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan must be proud.

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Honestly, I used to trust women much more than men since I was raised by my mother, grandma, mostly girl cousins, Dad worked endless overtime to support us and I never got to spend much time with him. But after dating a bit, I had more than one victim story (abusive boyfriends mainly) and they left me because I was "too good" or "too emtionaly connecting which freaked her out". Women seem to be a bit OFF, not trustworthy and Superior to men in manipulation on average to a point of being scary.

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One hard truth men have to confront is women are not what they seem. Women like to claim moral superiority because they rarely are called on to do the dirty jobs of life. Men usually are. And so a lot of us men buy into the idea that women are better than us, somehow closer to God. They aren't. They can be just as brutal as the worst of men.

Women usually do it in different ways, however. A man might rape a woman; a woman might falsely accuse a man of rape. Both are wrong. The man is likely to be punished; the woman likely will not be punished. Why? In part because of the assumption that women are better than men. Truth is, neither sex has a claim to moral superiority. IMHO

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I don't agree with the old adage that females mature quicker than males. Physical aspects only for the most part. In so far as emotional maturity goes many never do. They do train quicker than most males hence they learn manipulation of the opposite sex quicker thanks to mom. Just an opinion. Peer pressure also plays an important part in how a female treats their male partners. Most women network within a circle of female influence. To state that women are any better than men is outright propaganda.

David A. DeLong

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I really get sick of being stereotyped as being incapable of taking care of myself. I've been cooking since I was ten years old, and doing my own laundry since I was eleven.

Why is it that when women take negative characteristics from a handful of males and stereotype the entire gender it's a "joke", but when a man does the same to the female gender it's "sexist"?

BTW, what a great mom she must be! /sarcasm Passing out on the couch while she's supposed to be watching her kids...

It could be that women don't have as much power because instead of running for office many are out male-bashing. This woman has made that clear.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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