UK: Hunger Strike Over Marital Rape Conviction

Story here. Excerpt:

'For 16 months, inmate William Coleman has been wasting away in state prisons on a hunger strike.

A man who once carried more than 250 pounds on his 5-foot-10 frame, the former soccer coach lost about 125 pounds, sustaining himself on liquids, before alarmed Department of Correction officials restrained and force-fed him.
Coleman's attorneys say his protest is in the tradition of hunger strikes by women suffragettes in the early part of the 20th century and by Mahatma Gandhi in India's struggle for independence from Britain. In recent years, detainees at Guantanamo Bay have staged hunger strikes to protest conditions.
Coleman, a native of Liverpool, England, and the former women's soccer coach at Central Connecticut State University, says an acrimonious divorce and custody battle landed him in prison. He claims his ex-wife falsely accused him of raping her in 2002 in their Waterbury home to prevent him from getting custody of their two young sons.'

My gosh! Where did he get the idea the misandrist judiciary was corrupt?

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Some "justice" system! First of all, you violate an innocent man's rights by throwing him into prison, when the accusation was obviously false; then on top of that, you want to force him to eat when he doesn't want to, by inserting tubes into him? That could be considered a form of rape. I hope that Mr. Coleman's hearing goes well so he can get the hell out of the severely unjust situation he's been placed in! Lord knows that him being held in prison this long for a crime he didn't commit is just another example of nymphotropism run amok. For those of you who don't know the meaning of the word, wikipedia it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Sorry. I double posted by accident.

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