Settling for Second Best

Essay here. Excerpt:

'On my way to volunteering for PTA duty at my 13-year-old daughter's middle school, I saw a picture of her staring at me from the main school bulletin board, and it stopped me in my tracks. Marina is the school's student-body president, and she was featured along with the other council members. In the picture, she had a confident smile and that "I can do anything" look I've seen on her face so many times before. Curious, I read the profile below her photo and smiled at her answers. "Favorite food: sushi. Favorite sport: soccer." Then, "Role model: my dad." I did a double take and peered closer. Surely it said "my mom," too? Nope. Just two lonely words: "my dad."
Yes, my husband, Mike, is a generous and loving father. But I'm the Room Mom and the Team Mom! I chaired a school fundraiser that took months of preparation! I plan all the birthday parties! I scour cookbooks for nutritious dinner recipes! And who's there for the kids every day when they come home from school? Me!
I may have swallowed my pride—or pretended to—but part of me will always wonder why this beautiful young woman didn't choose her mother as her model for womanhood. But I think I'm finally getting over it. Because I have gotten to thinking more about role models lately I'm proud to say I have two in my life: my husband, because he is pretty amazing, and my daughter, because she's got a marvelous independent streak that keeps even her mother guessing.'

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I'm sorry, but this story was really uplifting and heartfelt. It turns out a young lady out there really looks up to and respects her father.

I actually don't blame the mother for feeling a little hurt for being excluded, but it turns out her daughter actually just didn't think to include her. It was nothing personal.

I really respect my own father too. I think of all the hard work he's had to do to keep a roof over mine and my three siblings' heads as well as keep us clothed and fed. He's definitely one of my own role models.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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