'Feminists' helping mum hide Aussie sons

Article here. Excerpt:

'A MELBOURNE father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

Swedish authorities are investigating members of Kobra amid allegations the group is using a vast network of "safe houses" and covert techniques to help the mother and children evade police.

George Pesor last saw his sons Frank, 11, and Andre, 9, in September 2008 after the Family Court in Australia ordered they be allowed to travel to Sweden to visit their estranged mother Ann-Louise Valette.

The boys were supposed to return to Melbourne on October 11 but they disappeared along with Ms Valette, who has a warrant out for her arrest after being charged with their kidnapping.

Mr Pesor said he now believes his sons are living with their mother in Sweden in one of 30 secret hiding places he alleges are operated by Kobra.'

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Feminists have reached a new level of filth. The feminist sewage movement is like an intestinal bacterial infection -- it multiplies into a hellish plague infecting every aspect of logic and morality. Hopefully men will wake up from their chivalrous coma, when that happens feminists will face extinction -- much like the dinosaurs. If we're lucky, they'll dissipate like a rancid fart in the wind. I just hope I'm alive to see it.

I'll say it again, absolutely disgusting! Eventually they'll be held accountable for their crimes. Now if you excuse me, I need to regurgitate my breakfast.


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I asked a bunch of feminists about this and all they did was defend the group and claim that it was necessary to protect children against 'abusive' fathers. How can tax-payer's money still be used to fund groups like this?

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It's not a surprise she went to feminist Sweden. State funded feminism is the norm there, they even have feminist schools. I think it can't be any clearer that this is a war, and men need to start fighting back. Men's groups need to start picketting feminists at their homes and work places, and the same with the mangina filth that supports them in government.

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They've had feminist "support groups" like this right here in the U.S. for almost 2 decades. But unlike their Swedish counterparts they receive no public funds—although anything can happen backdoor via VAWA—they aren't a named organization and operate as a secret society. Amber Alert laws have driven them further underground that CIA black ops. But even in femAmerica they couldn't operate as openly as in the Swedish matriarchy.

Can you imagine a fathers' "support group" openly disappearing NC dads and their children being allowed to exist in any country on earth?

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It's really not out of the ordinary for feminists to defend criminals and actually help them. It's happened in the past. Just look at Mary Winkler.

That being said, my reaction to this is still much like anthony's. I can't believe that feminists would go out of their way this much just to spite a man. May karma bite them in the ass!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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