Devastated By Divorce Court

Last week I posted a story from Toronto about a win for the good guys. Another article from Toronto shows what is giveth by the courts can be taken away by the gender panderers. Article here. Excerpt:

'At 51, Tippett is broken, bankrupt and bunking in the guest room of his parents' Burlington home after a divorce settlement that's left him $75,000 in debt and racking up $1,000 more each month.

Today, he'll appear in court at a default hearing to try to explain why he can't afford to pay his ex-wife (the couple had no children) $3,300 a month, $16,000 in retroactive alimony and $42,000 of her court costs out of a complex case he himself still doesn't understand.
While Cormier is now getting just over $2,000 a month of his disability pay, technically Tippett is on the hook for $3,300, so each month his arrears are climbing.

"I've been given a life sentence and she's been given a cash for life ticket," says Tippett. "I actually asked my lawyer at one point, `Isn't there a human rights issue here? Don't I have the human right to have a life after divorce?'"'

Once again I am heartened to see that the comments from a liberal news site support the male on this issue. Though the writer has written a three part series on this issue. Somehow I doubt it will be very objective. Stay tuned.

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"the settlement is, in many ways, a frightening example
of bad timing, a lack of adequate info., and a divorce court system
that can be deadly unpredictable"?

paragon predicted it a couple days ago.
ain't no mystery, like they try to make it sound.
if you only got one play (take from man, give to woman),
you run it alot.

"you are absolutely insane if you want to go into the
divorce court system" says lawyer peter e.

how about you are absolutely insane if (as a man) you
want to go into a marriage contract. more truer, and to the point.
solution: remedy this s&!t up front before it can fester into a boil
you can't get healed. and never ever trust a lawyer (judge).
they got no ethics. precepts shot to he11. nothing left but
man bad, woman good. that ain't law. that's corruption.

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Badgerb, you make a good point. MRAs are often portrayed by feminists as right wing conservatives whose support for men's rights is actually hatred for women, which is supposed to be a special case of their hatred for the powerless - racial minorities (in the West), or (so called) low caste people here in India. But men's issues are men's issues - nothing liberal or conservative. So it's really heartening to see at least a few `liberals' taking up men's cause.

Like0 Dislike0 a hateful, ink-covered rag with its sights pointed squarely at men. Always has been, always will be. If they report on something negative affecting men, it's only to set the stage for an op-ed piece about how it's men's fault.

I wouldn't use it to line the bottom of my bird cage and I sure as hell won't read it online.

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