Judges: Mom not guilty of drowning daughters by reason of insanity

Story here. Excerpt:

'CLEVELAND - A mother charged with aggravated murder in the bathtub drownings of her two daughters was found not guilty by reason of insanity Friday.

A three-judge panel in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court determined that 23-year-old Amber Hill suffered from a severe mental disorder when she drowned her daughters on Oct. 1, 2007.

"The court concludes she did not know the wrongfulness of her horrific acts," said Judge John Sutula.
"Now my daughter can get some help," she said. During the trial, Hutchins had testified that she wanted to take her daughter to a hospital for mental health counseling before the children died.

Mack said Hill had since been medicated and was functioning well.

"She was a good mother," said the defense attorney Myron Watson. "She cared for those children. Those children were the center of her life."'

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"She was a good mother," said the defense attorney Myron Watson. "She cared for those children. Those children were the center of her life."'

That must be why the bitch drowned them.

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Why can't males accused of rape use this defense?

After all risking years in prison over a piece of ass has to be an insane act.

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This is absolutely ridiculous. I feel really bad for the two girls. It seems the preferential treatment of females is more important than justice for murdered children according to our so-called justice system. 'Tis a sad sad day.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I think we need to pass a new law in the "best interests of the children" that all mentally unstable women be sterilized in order to prevent them from slaughtering any children they may have.

After all, a male can lose his children forever for raising his voice to them due to potential harm he may cause them, so women who pose a potential risk to kill their children should be prevented from having any through mandatory hysterectomy.

Plus, why the fuck is no one blaming grandma here?

"Carolyn Hutchins, Hill's mother, said she thanked God for the verdict.

"Now my daughter can get some help," she said. During the trial, Hutchins had testified that she wanted to take her daughter to a hospital for mental health counseling before the children died.

So let me get this straight, the bitch was crazy and there were obvious signs that she posed a threat to her children and grandma knew it, but did not report her daughter? If a teacher can be charged for not reporting potential harm to a child, why then is this woman allowed to walk free of accountability in this matter?

Time to start treating the ladies like we treat the men. If suspected of being a monster, then you ARE a monster and the state should come down on you with the fury of God's wrath to ensure that the best interests of the children are served.

Fuck em, we destroy men's lives for nothing at all, time to give the women a taste of the equality they have been so loudly demanding.

Dangerous, invasive, painful, irreversible surgery for all women who MIGHT ever one day harm a child!! We must think of the children God Damn it!!

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Its been a while, hope things are well.


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