Australia: Surrogates told to pay support
Article here. Excerpt:
'THE Australian Government is demanding a New Zealand surrogate mother pay child support for the baby she had for two gay Queensland men, amid accusations she abandoned it.
Her case has raised fears of financial clawbacks for other New Zealand surrogates, including an Auckland woman who is eight-months pregnant with a son to another gay Australian couple.
"She's told the couple they have to sort it out as there's no way she's paying," said the second surrogate, who declined to be named.
Australian funding agencies Centrelink and the Child Support Agency confirmed they were likely to seek maintenance payments from a birth mother in New Zealand if the Australian birth father claimed benefits as a sole parent caring for their baby.'
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Now who's trying to evade responsibility?
Not so much fun when ze shoe is on ze other foot, is it?
wouldn't worry much in her place
if it is anything like here she can pay
any CS awarded to a man out of her pocket change.
What Do You Know?
It seems women can experience something almost as bad as paternity fraud after all. The difference is, here, the woman isn't deceived into believing the child is hers when it isn't; only that she will have no responsibilities toward the child.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Under New Zealand's 1955 Adoption Act, only married and single people are allowed to adopt. A single person can adopt regardless of sexual orientation but a single man is banned from adopting a girl unless under specific circumstances.
Seems like that area has all kinds of fucked up laws.