House cleaner gets scolding, no jail time for having sex with several teens

Story here. Excerpt:

'HOUMA – A district judge scolded a 47-year-old house cleaner Tuesday morning who pleaded guilty to having sex with a group of teen boys – two as young as 13 – in her Ashland trailer.

Maureen Lirette, 444 Ashland Drive, must serve five years of probation and register as a sex offender to comply with a plea deal she took. She was charged with three counts of carnal knowledge of a juvenile and could have received 10 years in prison for each count.

The boys’ families requested that Lirette get no jail time, said Juan Pickett, a Terrebonne assistant district attorney.
“It’s not unusual for them not to want jail time,” he said, adding the Terrebonne District Attorney’s Office has handled a few cases such as Lirette’s. “It’s rare to see it reported.”'

I have no words to describe what I think about this. Perhaps my fellow brethren do.

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Wow, what a total shock--another woman has sex with boys and absolutely nothing happens--that is. compared to what would happen to a guy.

Is this ever going to change? Do young boys have ANY rights to protect them from sexual assault?


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Well arty apparently it is not sexual assault when a woman attacks an underage boy
The gender panderers and femmiroids are strangely silent.


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In our anti-male culture, they are taught to disrespect themselves, which makes them so vulnerable to abuse.

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And the parents did NOT request jail time?!! What kind of message does that send to these young boys that were victims?

The reason one parent stated for the 'no jail time' request was that so the woman would not be seperated fron her daughter! I'm sorry, but I think this woman needs to be seperated from her daughter. What kind of mother could she be.

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they commit fraud, they kill babies, they murder their husbands,
they rape small children, lie about rape, molestation, DV and anything
else they feel like, and do it all w/ impunity, crying victim all the time.

they are constantly getting more laws past congress to give them more
special priveleges, all the time proclaiming how superior they are
to men. if you really were so superior you wouldn't need affirmative action
type laws to give you special rights and privilege. and you know it.
and we know it. THAT is why they hate men and boys. lesbians and feminists
want so bad to be men they ache with hate for what God denied them.

the most pampered, priveleged, pompus, arrogant
bunch of halfwits to ever curse a nation with their privileged presence.

too stupid and greedy to see they are destroying everything they need to
have all these special handouts.

my buddy was right the other day. if they didn't have that p%$$y
between their legs there would be a hunting season for them.

may all of you "special" people someday get what you truly deserve.

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I find it interesting that very few attack that which is really responsible for our current situation. I suppose if we oppressed women as much as men then we could at least suffer equally. But really, who wants to suffer? Instead of double standards being enforced by training and adimistration of the written law perhaps we should take over our justice system? That would be about the only way we could actually have some sort of justice within our current "justice" system. The system is our enemy, women that follow the sick beat of the feminist drum, and those that weakly succumb to selling their Human Rights are victims the same as everyone else. Just a thought. Cut off the head of the snake and the body will whither and die.

David A. DeLong

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i hear what you say.

however, these hogs have been at the trough for a LONG time.
the only 2 ways i have ever seen that will get them away from their slop ($$$),
is to cut off the food valve, or use force.

we just got a new head hog that thinks we just need to leave the gate open
and they can feed themselves, constantly. he lives up in the BIG HOUSE.
he don't understand.

and i don't see fat people taking up arms.

what we got is too many hand outs and not enough hands on.
everybody loves free stuff. what bothers me about today's feminists
is that they don't mind taking someone else's stuff, using bully boys.

and like everybody who gets bullied, there is a score left to settle.

Like0 Dislike0 that you have lesser protection and greater liabilities under the law.


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This is my hometown, The discrepency in wage between men and women is SOO evident here because if you drive around during the day there are Soccer mom's running errands everywhere while most of there husbands are working offshore doing lots of overtime, VERY risky work, and get this "they get paid alot of money" WOW! And there is nothing preventing these women from doing the same except they might miss some Day Time TV Manbashing show.

Single, and happy - Michael

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Michael I envy you my son.


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...that although the article said:

    The boys’ families requested that Lirette get no jail time, said Juan Pickett, a Terrebonne assistant district attorney.

The article later mentioned that the boys' MOTHERS desired no jail time for the perp. Curious. Are the "families," of which the article speaks, single-mother households? If so, it would explain a lot: single moms tend to have much more allegiance to the Sisterhood than to their own sons. (While this is generally true of most mothers, the presence of a man tends to moderate this bias.) I'll be willing to bet that there are no fathers around.

Also, there was no real reason the judge had to obey the recommendation of the mothers. Were the sexes reversed, I'm almost certain he would've ignored any pleas for leniency. There is no penis pass.

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It was a MOTHER who initially called the police. I know alot of men that would see nothing wrong with young boys having sex. I'm sure you see the double standard all the time-a father protecting his daughter while winking at his son and encouraging him to get all the sex he can.

The article does not say if the boys were from single-mother homes or not, but you have to wonder what kind of homes they come from. Who lets 13 year-olds stay out so late and with 18 year olds. Single parent homes are just like any other homes-there are good ones and bad ones.

As a single mother (with no father around) I can tell you that this would NEVER happen to my boys because I am protective as hell! And would have no problem taking the law into my own hands (Jail time would be lucky for her). Also when my kids reach the appropriate age I will teach them about sex and morals. Sex with some one outside of a committed relationship almost always has bad consequences. Also, at 13 years of age there is no reason for them to be just hanging out late at night.

None the less, these boys were victims, and not even their parents protected them or gave them justice by requesting 'no jail time'.

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