India: Activists want a ministry for men
Story here. Excerpt:
"New Delhi: Men's rights activists want domestic violence laws to be gender-neutral. Armed with statistics of high suicide rates among men, their wish list includes a ministry for men's welfare, a national commission for men and a review of the antidowry law, which they claim is grossly misused.
"Men are suffering from 'legal terrorism' at the hands of some women. If you can have a ministry for animal welfare, why not one for the welfare of men'' asks Swarup Sarkar, coordinator, Save Family Foundation, Delhi.
According to the 2007 National Crime Records Bureau, 57,593 married men have committed suicide compared to 30,064 married women. Men's activists say while these figures should be self-explanatory, women's suicides are often ascribed to marital woes while men's cases are mostly put down to financial problems.
Agrees Kamal Vikram, member, GHRS. "Men are suffering in silence. It's the only country where the father is not considered important for the child,'' he says.
The group says it has found support in this endeavour from fellow organizations like SIF (Save Indian Family), an online group that claims to have more than 3,000 members.
"We are not saying women's issues should be ignored, but men's genuine problems should also be understood,'' says Bhartia who's lined up programmes on men's rights across cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune and Nagpur."
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We need the same in the U.S...
And wouldn't it be nice if MRAs in the U.S. united over something like this rather than spending 80+% of the time yacking and griping internally and on websites or trying to push left/right politics on each other.
just for kicks, how well
just for kicks, how well organized is the US government compared to the Indian government?