Man Cleared Of 1981 Rape, Gets Apology, Little Else

Well, it has happened again thank God!
DNA testing cleared this man of the politicized crime of rape.

What makes this rescue notable is that the judge who released him, a female judge no less, apologized to the victim and said it made her sick to her stomach thinking about the years he spent incarcerated over a crime he didn't commit! However, the article doesn't say anything about monetary compensation or the need for stricter evidence guidelines for rape.

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He merely accepted the judges apology and will now disappear into obscurity never to be heard from again. He does not seem interested in taking up the charge of men everywhere who are still in prison for false rape claims.

To many men still feel that they deserved to be locked up and persecuted for crimes they never committed. They need to be the one's to take action.

I have three lawsuits currently ongoing over my ordeal, one against the police force, one against the accuser and her family, and one against the province. I was not convicted of the false charges, but it still cost me terribly and I cannot allow those responsible go one like nothing happened and repeat their actions against more innocent men. Even if I lose I am going down fighting. The system needs to change and as far as I can tell the only thing that motivates politicians and police is to take a hit financially. The serial false accuser responsible for my ordeal needs to be stopped aswel.

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Of course you are preaching to the choir here. Has your ordeal been taken up by the media? Maybe you could write a book about it?

The serial false accuser responsible for my ordeal needs to be stopped

You could post her name and address here since you have filed a public record lawsuit against the predator. It could serve as a warning to other men about her. A picture of her might help too.

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...and the witch hunt just goes on as usual, under all the fresh, new taxpayer's money gender feminists are getting under the Violence Against Women Act.

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I'd sue everyone from the whack-job that made the false identity to the judge who handed-down sentencing. I'm sure there’s a high-powered, ambulance chasing, lawyer who would take his case on commission (lawyer gets rich/client gets chump change). In this materialistic society, if you want to make an impression, go after the money!

And yes, you can sue city hall; it's been done before. Let's see: lost income, mental anguish, false imprisonment, on-and-on...

If nothing else, this will gain more media coverage of this travesty!

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After reading this post, and with all the laws making masculinity a crime, the grotesque discrimination men face and the ease with which women maliciously destroy men's lives with impunity and government-funded assistance, I think the time has come for warning labels. The nanny states we live in label every other damned thing. We'll just stick them on the foreheads of every woman when she hits puberty:

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Inserting your penis in this person with her consent, simply being in her presence or even leaving your sperm where she may access them may result in poverty, bankruptcy, imprisonment without charge, trial or wrongdoing, impeachment, false accusations, the loss of your home and children, a lifetime of financial obligations to her while she is having sex with someone else and moving your children to another state, an increased risk of violence against you, destroyed careers, ruined lives and a substantially increased risk of suicide.

Of course, the fact that all of that is true wouldn't change a thing, even if it were in plain sight. We as a sex really need to break our addiction to pussy - it's the only real power women hold over most men, and they know it. As long as we need it, they'll keep getting away with what happened to this man all while avoiding any responsibility for their own actions. How much more insulting does the world have to get to men before we remember that jerking off is free. Less fun, but free.

A bit off-topic, I know, but I'm just sayin'...

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How long have these lawsuits been pending and how long before you know the results?

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you'll keep us abreast of their progress.

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... they are stull far from being resolved. Civil cases quite frequently take years to resolve especially when all of the defendants think that they did the right thing and are not interested in settling. The police and the province are likely to drag their feet in hopes that they cost me enough money that I just go away. The family and the accuser - sorry, I mean habitual liar - don't have much money anyway, so me suing them is more about sending her a message that she should stop this terrible addiction to attention and lies and of course she needs to feel a tiny fraction (since that is all I am able to inflict upon her) of the pain and suffering she put me through with her lies.

As for revealing her name, I would love to, but I would rather remain anonymous and revealing her can easily lead people to me. Since this is a public forum I don't really want that. I have had enough death threats from people who continue to believe her even after the trial was over and I was found innocent to want to do anything that could draw more of that. If it wasn't for that, I'd buy a freakin' billboard outside the university she goes to warning every male student and teacher what the risks of having her attend there are.

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When she later gets married, can't you then go after the marital assets she gains from her new husband? Can't you then get all her assets that are in both her and her new husband's names? That's the way the IRS does it. Anything in both names (like their house, minus any homestead exemption) can be grabbed in full to settle the debts of either one of the two.

You just may have to file certain paperwork to keep the judgement in effect after so many years, like maybe ten years based on what I vaguely remember. You'd have to check that out in your state since every state's laws are different.

Best of luck to you, in any case.

Please, as time goes on, keep us apprised of your progress.

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There ought to be a mandatory minimum compensation for any innocent individual found guilty of a crime that they'd later been cleared of. Naturally, it should be made an easy step to take out a private prosecution against the culprit false accuser.

However, a minimum amount should also be automatically paid out by the government immediately after innocence is established. This is because the police and prosecution authorities are partly to blame: it is they who proceeded to carry out a false prosecution, either through negligence or corruption.

Then, the falsely accused victim (who may have wrongly spent many years in prison) could further sue his accusers. He should be able to do this with financial support from the government, because of their part in falsely imprisoning him.

The quality of his life should be restored to the level it would have been were he not falsely convicted.

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