U.S. Men's Testosterone Dropping Rapidly

This is disturbing for a lot of reasons. Lowered "T" in men is associated with an increased risk for various health problems including susceptibility to cancer, infertility, and depression. Excerpt:

'While a man's testosterone level will fall steadily as he ages, the researchers observed a speedier decline in average testosterone levels than would have been expected with aging alone.

They hypothesized that the rising prevalence of obesity as well as the sharp decline in cigarette smoking might help explain their findings, given that testosterone levels are lower among overweight people and smoking increases testosterone levels. But these factors accounted for only a small percentage of the observed difference.

It's likely that some sort of environmental exposure is responsible for the testosterone decline, Travison said, although he said attempting to explain what this might be based on the current findings would be "pure conjecture."'

Not being a researcher in this area, I don't know if T-levels are responsible for what amounts of what category of gametes are produced in men (ie, Y- or X-bearing chromosome sperm cells). Perhaps low T is associated with an abundance of X-bearing sperm cells? This may explain why there seem to be so many more girls being born these days than boys. [Anyone who may have more information on this than me, feel free to post.]

But anyway, my own feeling is that the pollution angle is probably right. With all the horrible stuff dumped into the environment the last 50 years in particular, I would not be the least bit surprised if it hasn't messed up human biology substantially, not to mention the biology of everything else on the planet.

Humanity seems to be pursuing a course, among several others, of polluting itself out of existence.

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Who can you get to get this treated?

Most doctors don't realise that the low side of "normal" might be insufficient for a given person.

They also don't want to be in trouble with Dumbya's new war on steroids.

I came in to an endocrinologist with barely detectable, below the refrence range T levels. They basically wanted to continue testing my blood over and over and over again. When ONE reading out of four finally showed itself to be 3 ng (NANOGRAMS) into the "normal range" the guy said "you don't need my help, you're fine."

The lack of libido? Depression? Lethargy?

Solution: Viagra (note I didn't say erectile dysfunction, twit), a whole host of pills for depression, and get some exercise!


AND then the guy goes and has his laptop stolen.

The irony is, if I'd wanted to become a woman, I'd have had an oestrogen perscription like *that*.

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"It's likely that some sort of environmental exposure is responsible for the testosterone decline, Travison said, although he said attempting to explain what this might be based on the current findings would be "pure conjecture."

The government doesn't have enough funding to conduct further research. The U.S> Department of Health needs more $$$ for womens health. It makes perfect sense considering women outlive men by 5 or 6 years.


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As more and more "men" succumb to being feminized to appease women, they stop doing healthy manly things. Where the mind goes, the body follows. Want healthy testosterone levels? Than act like a man not like a wimp!

Participate in manly activities: sports, hunting, fishing, beating your chest, etc. instead of hosting Tupperware parties! At the very least, get some manly exercise; lift weights, take karate lessons, etc. This article supports my argument:

Article Here

If you want to run with the big dogs, you can’t pee like a puppy!

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There are countless articles and studies that have been written and conducted showing an increasing amount of estrogen in water supplies that is turning many species of animals into females or hermaphrodidic freaks. This is clearly related to testoterone levels. Pesticides containing estrogen compounds are having an effect on male fetal development, and overexposure can result in decreased penis size and abnormalities and potentially effect fertility.

Can you imagine if something in the environment was causing fertility or estrogen levels to drop in females -- whoo whee -- we'd never hear the end of it and I would already be asked to by special postal stamps in support of helping women increase their fertility/estrogen (and men decrease their income).

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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It's not yet clear what is cause and effect (the drop in level might be a side effect of something else). And I've read that artifically raising the T.-level might not be beneficial at all. Well, too early to jump to conclusions, and speculation without specialised knowledge won't be useful so I'm shutting up now ;).

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U.S. Men's Testosterone Dropping Rapidly

Actually, this may be the reason why men in general are regulated to second class status in this country.

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This is a real men's issue. I was diagnosed with depression and given all kinds of pills until I developed lumps in my breasts.

They did a hormone test and found my estrogen 100 times normal and testosterone at 1 per cent of normal. They did an mri on my pituitary gland to see if a tumor was on it and found nothing.

I urge every man to have the simple and cheap hormone test done.

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I have been diagnosed for 20 years with clinical depression. I have tried every medicine under the sun, and it does seem like the one I am on now is working..though not to full effect. But regarding low testosterone, I was experiencing male breast enlargement (I think it's medically call 'hypergomastia' or something like that) over the last 3-4 years. So finally they did some tests. First they check to see if I am lactating (yes this is really embarassing, guys). That was negative, so then they did some more tests which were negative. Finally they sent me to an endocrinologist, and he tested and said my testosterone was about one third the normal! He tested all my other hormones and said they were ok, then had a CAT scan on my pituitary and that came back ok.

So then he gives me testosterone patches, initially at one-half strenght, and after a few days I did seem to have more energy..but then I started experiencing insomnia; so I stopped them, and the insomnia went away; but now of course my energy is low again. Can't win for losin'!


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