"Bad males" want sex on date #1

Open misandry to be found here. Tell me, a girl who wants to have sex on the first date-- is she a "bad female"? Excerpt:

"A woman increases her chances of getting a 'good' man by not sleeping with partners on a first date, mathematicians have found.

They used a numerical model to show that better partners were willing to date for a longer time before having sex, whereas 'bad' men were more reluctant to hang around.
By delaying mating, the female is able to reduce the chance that she will mate with a bad male.

'A male's willingness to court for a long time is a signal that he is likely to be a good male.

'Long courtship is a price paid for increasing the chance that mating, if it occurs, will be a harmonious match which benefits both sexes. This may help to explain the commonly held belief that a woman is best advised not to sleep with a man on a first date.'
'The female's strategy is a compromise - a trade-off between on the one hand the greater risk of mating with a bad male if she mates too quickly, and on the other hand the time cost of delay. Under this compromise there remains some risk that she will mate with the wrong type of male. She cannot eliminate this risk completely unless she decides never to mate.'"

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Nah, she's not a bad female, just a slut. Just like men who want to get laid on the first date aren't bad either, just male sluts.

Of course, the way I view relationships, no girl gets it from me on the first date anyway. They're not the only ones that can make someone work for it.

One double standard that's always driven me crazy is being stigmatized for being a virgin and a male. My response to that is "should I be looked down upon because I refuse to just give myself up to any harlot out there?" Absolutely not. The next time I have sex will actually mean something to both myself and my partner, that's why I don't play musical beds.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I hope they did not spend a ton of money on this 'study'. I could have told them this for free. Men and women are both at risk when it comes to sex on the first date.

I have never liked the double standard when it comes to how long people should wait until sex. I would prefer a man who is selective and would not just sleep with anyone because it was offered.

When I was a dancer for a professional sports team, I was asked out alot. I turned down several guys because I knew they slept around too much. Some one has to be concerned about disease and pregnancy.

Many of my feminist friends think they have more fun because they can have sex whenever and with whoever they feel like it with nothing to worry about because they use the pill, and abortion as a back up. They have no problem with sex on the first date. They also have sufferred the consequences.

I don't use the pill so I have to wait until I trust soomeone. So I have had very few sexual partners, but I have been very lucky in my relationships.

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