"Murder Spree by People Who Refuse to Ask For Directions"

Article here. Ann Coulter at her finest, flings poop back at the monkeys at the NY Times by identifying the group that has a large hand in the decay of Western Civilization. Excerpt:

"But as long as the Times has such a burning interest in the root causes of murder, how about considering the one factor more likely to create a murderer than any other? That is the topic we're not allowed to discuss: single motherhood." and "Imagine an America with 60 to 70 percent fewer juvenile delinquents, teenage births, teenage suicides and runaways, and you will appreciate what the sainted "single mothers" have accomplished."

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Good reference page for murder by gender is http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/gender.htm Note the summary:

Male offender/Male victim     65.3%
Male offender/Female victim     22.7%
Female offender/Male victim     9.6%
Female offender/Female victim     2.4%

Some things to consider:
> Men are the clear majority of murder victims yet get little attention as such in anti-violence efforts, public or private.
> Female murderer->male victim rate is roughly half of the male murder->female victim rate. While it is true that the number of cross-sex murders then is a little more than twice as high for men-v.-women than women-v.-men, that is a far cry from the feminist claims that the "vast majority" of cross-sex murders are male-v-female.

Also look at homicide type by gender, Victim/offender relationship:

Homicide Type by Gender, 1976-2005

Victims   Offenders
Male Female   Male Female
All homicides 76.5% 23.5%   88.8% 11.2%
Victim/offender relationship          
Intimate 35.2% 64.8%   65.5% 34.5%
Family 51.5% 48.5%   70.8% 29.2%
Infanticide 54.6% 45.4%   61.8% 38.2%
Eldercide 58.1% 41.9%   85.2% 14.8%
Felony murder 78.4% 21.6%   93.2% 6.8%
Sex related 18.8% 81.2%   93.6% 6.4%
Drug related 90.2% 9.8%   95.5% 4.5%
Gang related 94.7% 5.3%   98.3% 1.7%
Argument 77.8% 22.2%   85.6% 14.4%
Workplace 79.1% 20.9%   91.3% 8.7%
Gun homicide 82.7% 17.3%   91.3% 8.7%
Arson 56.4% 43.6%   79.1% 20.9%
Poison 55.3% 44.7%   63.5% 36.5%
Multiple victims or offenders          
Multiple victims 63.3% 36.7%   93.5% 6.5%

Multiple offenders 85.6% 14.4%   91.6% 8.4%

In the realm of DV, feminists would have you believe that 99% of all murders happen as male-on-female. The stats just don't bear that out, do they?

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I've always liked Ann Coulter. I know she's controversial and I certainly don't agree with all her opinions, but she's incredibly politically incorrect -- I respect that. It doesn't hurt that feminists loathe her. What ever feminists hate I inevitably like.


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This article was actually pretty good. It corroborates what we as MRAs have been trying to say all along. The fact that kids benefit from having a father in their lives. This shows the other side of the coin, the fact that society as a whole suffers from fatherlessness. And to think that the government is actually bringing this upon it's own people by forcing fathers out of their children's lives. Truly sad indeed. Kudos to Ms. Coulter for having the courage to speak the truth.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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