Why MEN love being single

Article here. Excerpt:

'Marriage automatically translates into a legal binding and loss of freedom. No wonder, they are commitment-phobic.

The word commitment can make the sanest of men shudder and the mention of marriage is enough to drive a man out of a relationship in a jiffy. So what is it about this social institution that has men break into a sweat?
“Commitment for men is a one-way street towards marriage and the thought of being married to a person for the rest of his life is scary for s guy...
For most men, the first thing that strikes them when they think of commitment is loss of freedom...
Moreover, for single men who think that they can have any woman they want in the world, marriage comes as a rude shock. It ends many options.
“Men use denial all the time, it’s perfectly natural. For example, a man might say — I am not going bald, I just shaved my head because I wanted to look like Bruce Wills or I could buy a sports car, but it’s just not eco-friendly...'

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Not a bad article but still has dribblings of misandry and an accusatory disposition to it re men and our interests. Still, it's an improvement as compared to the overtly male-bashing stuff that normally accompanies this topic. Also it leaves out entirely the issue of divorce and men's well-founded concerns around that.

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In today's society commitment is slavery for men. The only difference is how your mistress wants to treat you -- it is all up to her. The system has been so biased against men that only a woman's word matters.

I'll keep my freedom.

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A committment for a man equals a ton of responsibility and a butt load of scrutiny. Sadly this committment does not come with the any obligation of responsibility or accountability on the part of the female. Thus, it's simply not worth it. A married man is at greater risk of getting screwed over by his mate in one way or another. Which also explains why divorced men have a much higher suicide rate than the normal population.

I agree with Matt. I didn't appreciate the choice of words in this article at a couple points i.e. "It's the world telling us to grow up", "ignorant bliss", as if to imply that being single is immature or ignorant. It is neither. It's what a smart man does these days, unless he wants to become an unappreciated servant. However, the article does get brownie points for representing our side of things.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I am single, never married and intend to keep it that way not because I can get all the "nookie" or any lame fear of commitment crappola these types of vacuous misandric articles usually spew but for the simple reason I will not buy into a legally binding and enforceable social contract where I have the judicial standing and civil rights of a 17th century Russian serf! Not complicated; easy!

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While men may fear commitment, women have no idea what the word really means. To today's women, commitment means until THEY decide it's over. Just look at who initiates divorce most often. It's obvious those that accuse men of fearing commitment don't understand what it is.
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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Why I love not being married {girlfriends are o.k.}

1. Sex with more than one woman without risking a divorce where I'll lose every dime and ultimately end up living in a refrigerator box in some alley.

2. Cleaning my apartment when I want to, not when my wife TELLS me to. I can also decorate it any way I want. In fact, has anyone ever seen the movie, "A Christmas Story"? Its about the kid who wants a BB gun for Christmas. Remember the lamp shaped like a leg? -- well, I own one!!

3. I work, I earn money, therefore its mine!

4. Won't get screwed in a child custody hearing.

5. Come and go as I please. If I want to take a day off from work and see a Yankee game -- so be it.

6. I control the TV remote. Don't underestimate how important this freedom is. Any Day without Oprah is a good day.

7. Eat what ever the hell I want. Pizza for breakfast? Why the hell not! If I want to eat a jar of mayonnaise for dinner -- who's gonna stop me?

8. I won't have to see my wife naked when she's 70 years old.

9. I don't have to kiss my mother-in-laws wrinkled ass.

10. I can leave the toilet seat up.

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A woman who decides not to marry is considered 'liberated', a man is supposedly afraid of commitment

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11. Not being obligated to go to all of the in-laws family events. You never appreciate how many birthdays, holidays - religious & otherwise this time commitment takes up.

12. Time - your time is your own, not spent fixing a million & one things that have little practical value, but are aesthetically important to her...

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13. don't have to fix whatever is broken RDN. stove broke/ eat out until
i get time.

14. one less vehicle to maintain.

15. can fish, hunt and play poker all i want, and hang them out anywhere i want.
especially the poker.

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15. You never have to say your sorry just to appease your wife. Most men apologize to their wives and don't even know why.


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16. Don't have to spend three months salary on an engagement ring. The money is better spent on a new LCD 50 inch TV. My priorities are in check.

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15. can have a pool table in your living room, so you and ALL
your friends (including the NEW girlfriend) can watch the game
while enjoying a fun time leaving drinks on every table
for the maid to clean up.

note: can afford maid now that wife not spending all money
on knick-knacks at wallmart

15. can never worry about knowing how to count. got so much
left over $$$ no need to count.

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16. You can look at porn whenever you want without being judged, not that you would have to. A single guy with lots of $$$ can get any girl he wants.

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