An Analysis of so-called Chauvinism

An article inspired by the book "The Myth of Male Power" by Warren Farrell. Excerpt:

'Feminists have used this word very judiciously to bargain for unwarranted concessions for women from the society. And the fools that men are, easily bought this stupid argument of men being chauvinistic as well and started giving concessions to women...
...Power, as misunderstood, is not the LIBERTY to do something at WILL. Power is the ability to control your own life the way you want and have the choice to do so. Something which men do not have currently, women however have it. Hence it’s the women who are more powerful than men.

It is said that men are biologically powerful than women which is true. But does that define absolute power is the next question one should be asking. And the answer to that question is NO...
Men, the feminists argue, have the power to take decisions and since women don’t have this power they are not powerful and hence need protection...
A male being powerful is another delusional attack on men to prepare them to give concessions to a woman...
...All this has happened because of “The Myth of Male Power” falsely propagated by feminists.... It’s high time to demystify “Male Power” concept and that men are chauvinistic.'

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Men are not powerful at all. One of the things that weakens us is a powerful sex drive which renders us almost helpless. There is a time in a man's life (may be the whole of it) when he craves women to such an extent he is prepared to do anything to end the pain and longing. It is only because of the power of such cravings that he is prepared, indeed eager,to marry and put himself into a state of servitude to a woman. But here is the terrible irony - having sacrificed all there is then no pay back at all. Marriage is not the beginning of a man's sex life but the end of it. All a man has acquired is a life of overburdening responsibility to others in return for nothing at all.

So this is male power? He is chained by biology to a state of eternal torment which makes him a slave of a woman who will offer him nothing.

I think it is the absence of an understanding of this that makes me most hopeless about the MR movement. We contain the root of our own torment within us. After all if it was not for are own sex drive women would be no more to us that another animal perhaps less thought of than a dog.

Even in the MR movement there is still a certain swagger about male sexual prowess. We can not confront or accept that it is this that makes us weak. It is all too late for me but all I can say that if I could have had one wish come true for my life it would be that I be rid of all attraction to women. By this I am not advocating homosexuality but no sexuality at all. It serves no purpose other than to spoil us.

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"The young are permanantly in a state resembling intoxication."

"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who
conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self."

circa 300 B.C.
this is not new, men's desires.
it's just that now feminists appear to have found a new way to
capitalize upon them for gain to themselves, and to women in general,
but at what cost and loss to society?

"Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal,
and equals that they may be superior.
Such is the state of mind which causes revolutions".

we can only hope.

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The problem with being male is that society places so many expectations on us, but then holds no one else nearly as accountable. We are literally the fabric that holds society together. I know a world without men would be no world at all. It wouldn't work, at all. And no I didn't intend that pun, either.

This was a good article. The author said a lot of stuff which I have thought to myself at one point. How is a man a pig if he wants a certain kind of woman? Meanwhile women are way more particular about who they date than men are (they care about looks, $$$, what you can do for them, what else you can do for the, etc.). It is hypocrisy. Chauvinism is definitely a two-way street.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Yes daveiga you are right. What drags men down has always been present. The tragedy is that each generation allows the next to proceed in ignorance and repeat all the same mistakes. This is not quite true. There was when I was young plenty of indicators available but they where nt explicit enough and I did not understand them. The trouble is that the biology is so overwhelmingly strong it is difficult to see how any amount of informing could change behaviour.

I often see the situation as hopeless as I see male nature as essentially one of eternal torment. I could say that male existence is not worth having but I wont as I don't think your prepared to receive the full weight of my despair.

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