Judge's 'Gorilla' Warning To Teen

Story here. Excerpt:

'A young driving offender has been told he faces the prospect of a jail shower "with the gorillas in the mist" if he continues to break the law.

Sydney Magistrate Brian Maloney gave 19-year-old Cody Heap a stark warning about jail life in an attempt to scare the youth into good behaviour.

"You'll find big, ugly, hairy, strong men (in jail) who've got faces only a mother could love that will pay a lot of attention to you - and your anatomy," the magistrate said.'

My question: Because of traffic violations, the judge threatened this guy, saying he could being raped in prison. Would a judge say that to a woman?

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This is outrageous. The judge should not even think this about anyone. This man is SICK.

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No doubt! To threaten a young man like that, is truly unacceptable. And to think that one newspaper commended the judge for saying that. If it we're a woman, the article would have been about how the judge was fired instead.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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but they NEVER disappoint in living down to my
expectations of them.

my theory that their total lack of ethics in civil law
has bled over into their criminal law has been proven.
the "female discount in sentencing" is another good example
of how the loss of equality leads to a loss of all the
other precepts, truth, fairness and ultimately justice,
in ALL areas of law.

these were their rules when they actually still had honor.

our forefathers were so much more than this chump change.
these clowns can't even read the instructions. too corrupt.

the real irony is that judge bozo here probably thought his actions
against this guy had some type macho honor attached to them.
that is what acting like a man means to a mangina. p i t i f u l.

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