"Governance Feminism"

Article entitled Alec Baldwin: A Promise to Ourselves. Excerpt:

'...“Governance Feminism” was first coined by ... Law Professor Janet Halley. The following is an excerpt from Baldwin’s interview with Professor Suk:

"[Governance Feminism is] the idea that feminism, which once criticized the law from the outside, is today actually in charge in many places in the law — among police, prosecutors, lawmakers, judges, and other legal actors. The feminism that often “governs” today is that strand developed by the legal scholar Catherine MacKinnon and that focuses on the subordination of women by men, particularly in intimate sexual relationships. Her influence on our legal system’s understandings of men and women cannot be overstated. If you talk to police, prosectuors, law-makers, and judges about domestic violence, perhaps they have not read MacKinnon, but they often subscribe to the premise that men subordinate women through sex and violence."

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Sounds an awful lot like Legal Dominance Feminism to me. Google Legal Dominance Feminism by Edward Greer.

Gunner Retired

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While both Janet Halley and Jeannie Suk describe some of the workings of Governance Feminism, both downplay its role in female over male dominance, and both seem to feel it's a good thing.

What really blew my mind was the portrayal in Baldwin's book (p. 194, I think) of a typical gender discussion in Professor Suk's law class, how thoroughly both female and male law students bought into the feminist paradigm. That mindset is so entrenched that nothing short of a masculist revolution can reveal it's existence much less excise it. This is why the fems speak of POST-feminism: we are approaching the point where ordinary people cannot even THINK of gender except in the parameters defined by feminists.

We may already be there.

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"That mindset is so entrenched that nothing short of a masculist revolution can reveal it's existence much less excise it."

It's going to be very hard to get men to revolt against feminism, since many men are chivalrous idiots who want to protect and give into women's demands. Take a look around the internet at the so called MRA sites and you'll see men being banned from forums for daring to criticise women and feminism. Many MRA's support feminism and political correctness and at the same time complain about it. There is not much hope for men's rights if this mentality keeps up. Do you think feminists give a damn about protecting and looking after men and their rights? Nope. They only care about what they want. To get anything done men are going to have to be a bit more selfish and think about our rights and our needs.

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