UK: Politically correct brigade demands one woman on each fire engine

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Local Government Association (LGA) has said that at at least 15 per cent of those in operational roles should be female.

That means they will fill one of the five or six places for crew on each engine.

The LGA said an increased number of firewomen is necessary "to meet the needs of local people".

But critics warned that political correctness was being put above the ability to save lives.

Susie Squire, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "Introducing this sort of quota to the fire service is a big mistake.

"If ever there was a job that should be awarded on merit and physical fitness, it is that of a firefighter.'

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I guess when someone dies in a fire they can list feminism as the cause of death.

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Just put them all on one fire engine. Let's see how good they really are.

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no sirrrr. if history has taught us anything,
she will quickly be decorated just for being there.

Pic's will be made showing her posing w/ a baby,
she "saved", and then making at least
2 guest appearances on oprah.

heck, if it's anything like my profession,
she will be capt. w/in a couple years
and chief by 35, all the while acting like she deserves it.

she will be hailed by women everywhere as
another shining example of what women can do when they put
their minds to it. credit her success to multi-tasking
sooo much better than men.

she must be careful, however, not to get caught posing nude
for some hooters mag. on gov. property (firetruck). or post
pic's of herself stripping out of her uniform on facebook.
oh the injustice!

either way, in the end she will sue and recover damages for descrimination,
or harrasment, or whatever new techniques the lawyers provide for
her to "maintain the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed".

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