Commentary: The joke's on men in modern times

Article here. Excerpt:

'Garcia said the male-bashing trend is also a result of the pent-up anger women still hold for men. The fact is, it wasn't long ago that it was a man's world - that women had limited opportunities and options. For some women, male bashing is a form of payback.
The irony is that men aren't fighting women. Most are bending over backwards to accommodate women.
Garcia argues that in the most extreme cases a significant social trend has occurred - that as men stumble and fall behind, they are dropping out and giving up. He says we're in a state of denial - that the faltering male doesn't do anyone any good.

"The shrinking pool of educated, eligible males only adds to the perception that men are clueless deadbeats, a downward spiral that could affect generations to come," he said.'

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..but I'll give this reviewer, Garcia and that woman who wrote the earlier (very slightly more pro-male) review for the Daily Fail some credit: they've all pointed out, quite unwittingly I'm sure, that women who weren't even alive 50 years ago feel perfectly entitled to be "angry" and spew hate at men who weren't even alive 50 years ago, all for imaginary wrongs that these women never suffered and which these men never perpetrated.

Says it all, don't you think?

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For women to think they are entitled to mistreat men for the limitations women faced a while ago, makes as much sense as African Americans feeling entitled to mistreat caucasians to pay them back for slavery- Slavery which was imposed upon their ancestors by people who lived several hundred years ago, and have nothing to do with the white people alive today.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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"The irony is that men aren't fighting women. Most are bending over backwards to accommodate women"

That is the main problem. Men need to take off the kid gloves and start treating women as they would a man. As long as you have men willing to do the "traditional" things, like get married and be chivalrous towards women, then you may as well quit being an MRA, because nothing will get done. Men need to fight women on all fronts, together noone can stop us, our fate is in our own hands, not in the hands of feminists. We don't have to snivel and beg for rights like some MRA's seem to want to do.

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If you don't stand up to a bully and fight back, he'll just keep punching you in the face. As well, if you keep feeding your fat dog and don't let it out for some excercise, one day it's going to eat you. The dog analogy is meant to illustrate how if men keep on pandering to females, especially the misandric sexist whore variety, one day we'll wake up in a society where we are slaves, and have no rights at all. As it stands right now, women have many more rights than males, which is why sometimes when I hear women complain about how they're disadvantaged, without backing it up with any fact (as 99.9% of feminists do), my ears just go deaf until they're done talking.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The only new future is the past we've forgotten

Past resentments come from genderism, racism, classism and looking at historical accounts of powerful queens who were behind the armies tell us that we're all alike as human. The fact that Garcia points to an exact cause of what keeps the anger burning is the crux of the problem and should be focused on repeatedly, since the answer lies somewhere between truth and blame. As an individual, I don't accept maltreatment, nor accept myself giving maltreatment. It's a characteristic, not a gender or racial trait. Abuse is a flaw, not an act of retribution. When I'm in a male bashing situation, I proclaim clearly that I disagree. Nothing can be said to surrender my dignity to it. If it persists, I refuse it an audience. It comes with a price. I must be and do everything I dream to be. I must walk my talk and develop character and abandon selfishness, resentment, abuse, blame, and sarcasm. I must be a message, not a mess. I do it because it's the right thing to do, not because it's the political thing to do.

I also remind an abuser that it's not my fault because they've made a failure out of their own lives.


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Well this man is fighting back. May be this is late rally but it has all my strength. I tell you all Honoured Sirs that I would not piss on a woman if I saw her on fire. The shit on the street rates higher in my estimation than any woman. But all of you my brothers are as my own flesh.

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I may be in the minority here, but I don't see this as a 'male' vs, 'female' fight. It has been mentioned and documented many times in this forum that men side with the feminist view as well (police, politicians, judges, etc).

We need to change PEOPLE'S thinking. This site has enlightened me in many ways. I am a mom raising two boys. I came upon this site while researching how the school system and teaching methods are harming boys and holding them back. I have also noticed the way men are portrayed in TV sitcoms as idiots incapable of handling household activities. Not the message I want to send to my boys!

I know it may be out of frustration that some of you bash ALL women, but you need to get women on your side if you want to win this. If you use the same characteristics and tactics that you criticize your enemy for using, then you are no better and you will lose.

Just for the record: If any of you were on fire I would do my best to piss on you, although the pee would probably just run down my leg.

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Kris I know who my enemies are. I don't expect to win indeed we are now deep into the end game from which there will be no escape. For me the time left is short but for your sons then it would be better that they had never been born. I shall not live to see the true horror but I am determines my defeated should be as honourable and even glorious as it can be. I may die defeated but I will die whole, I will die still a man and still intact. This is my only aim. For me you and your kind are as nothing. I think less of you than I would a cancer that eats away from within, and yes if I saw your pathetic eyes pleading for help as flames consumed you I not give your plight a seconds thought.

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Hi Kris. Welcome to MANN. I don't think I've seen you here before.

I would like to apologize on behalf of some of the other users. I try my best not to stereotype the entire female gender because I hate being stereotyped as a male.
As well, I know of many female MRAs, who do not deserve to be lumped into the same category as misandrists. You are right about males being misandrists too. We see it all the time. We call them manginas.

I would like to remind the other users of the site that you cannot label the entire female gender as all the same. If you would like to say something negative about a portion of that gender all you have to do is insert the word "some" in front of what you want to say.

I.E. Instead of saying 'woman are shallow gold diggers', say 'some women are shallow gold diggers'.

much in the same way a woman saying 'some men are pigs' isn't as offensive as her saying 'men are pigs'.

Yet your point is still made, but not in a tactless manner.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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What a horrible defeatist tone you have--but more importantly, what you say isn't true, trotter. I'm a 25 year old university student planning to do my most in this fight against ideological feminists and the poison they have released between the sexes. I don't understand why you seem so defeated when the MRM seems to have more recognition, more numbers, and more success than ever before. I'm seeing people, men and women, become more critical of feminism and more accepting of ideas such as 'men's rights' everyday. What's with the hopeless viewpoint? Look at the forum you're participating in right now for instance; this wouldn't have been here before, now it is. I for one, AM NOT PARTICIPATING IN ANY END GAME UNLESS IT IS THE ENDGAME OF THE MISANDRIC GENDER FEMININIST FRONT AND ALL WHO SUPPORT AND PERPETUATE THEIR EASILY PROVEN LIES!

And dispose of all that honour and glory in being defeated drek. What are you, a Klingon? Really I don't mean any disrespect, but what the hell is so honourable about being defeated by the likes of that? What you're saying are the codes of male disposibility (a little shoutout to Farrell here) that deluded men into thinking that they are worthless meatbags that are to take it as "honour" and "glory" to be shredded for some power elites' aggrandizement--a little bit of historical male opprssion that often doesn't get mentioned (but will increasingly); and of course feminists are part of the power elites these days. Sorry, but that kind of thinking is part of the whole goddamn problem; I suggest you abandon it immediately. Just a little helpful advice from a fellow brother, right? This female supremicist movement can be, and will be, defeated. We are part of a steady concourse of human rights movements that have improved the lives of people against the whims of the power structure. It can happen, it's already in the process of happening, and it will.

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Well Sheldon at 25 you can have those feelings if you want. I have had over an extra 30 years in addition to your 25 to have develop my understanding. Still I do not write to convince any one else. Believe what you will. Believe you will vanquish all. I can not contradict you but I will never believe you either. One thing for sure you will not save me for the catastrophe has already happened.

It is possible for a man to be content if he becomes a dumb animal, but if you go beyond that and raise your head from the mud then you are lost. Being a college graduate is no defence , at least it was not for me. My three degrees and professional life as a Professor did not save me and it has taken me until now to learn my true lesson.

Change the power structure if you can. If this satisfies you then all good and well but it will not change the utter baseness of women, it will not change the destructiveness of their natures and it will not raise then up from being a disease.

By the time you are my age I will be dead. You may arrive at that point feeling you have succeeded.May be you can save yourself - I hope you do. But I did not, so for me there is nothing but to depart in overwhelming rage, with a dying curse delivered to women with last breath. Don't be so sure that this will not be the same for you for your clock has yet to run on.

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The only new future is the past we've forgotten

It's so easy to be sucked into allowing female dominance. They seem to posture themselves with dignity, but leave us no defense when we're practicing negative brainwashing of ourselves. It won't take overnight but I'm encouraged to see that we are sticking our heads up and find that we're not alone. I think that if we actually organized face to face over a cup of coffee in a room, a house, or even the back of a bar or restaurant, we could feel the support of one another. Sort of like Alcoholics Anonymous style. Why? Because it works! Face to face works! Internet chat forums are great places to vent the steam, but we cannot move ahead without old fashioned physical contact. What do we do? Give each other a cyber hug? I like real hugs from my brothers!

Also, I don't believe a Creator of man would be pleased by our detachment from our worth, a steady stream of hypnotism from the enemy feminism. We need to encourage one another and remind ourselves of our true value to one another. We have to unbrainwash ourselves even if we have to brainwash ourselves with the truth.

Sometimes I think I owe it to my ex wife to drive me to hit the bottle. Because in doing so I had the sense to dump that tit bag and seek men like me who discovered that we could stay sober without a ding bitch attached to our wallets.

Feminism or female supremacy is a distortion. A Creator made two genders to survive with each other so we could procreate the species. Feminism is an abortion to creation and growth. It's a garbage philosophy that is commercially supported to give legitimacy to female greed and a false revenge. Further, I've never met a self assessing woman who can go through her past and blame herself for her failures. So let's look at this supremacy for what it is. Childish! Mythological! Unsustainable.


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I strongly feel that this needs to be an equal rights issue and not a gender issue because as it is stated above, many men are part of the problem and many anti-feminist females like myself take the brunt of feminist insults. So you have both males and females on each side of the line.

I would like to share a little about my self so you know where I am coming from. I am 25 years old, I favor traditional values and gender roles for my family lifestyle, but believe that everyone should have the freedom to choose for themselves as long as they do not impose or take away from anyone else. I get a lot of criticism from feminist for giving up my career to stay home with my kids. (Just incase anyone is wondering, I am not on welfare or receiving government handouts, their father and I support them)

I also chose to bring my unplanned babies to life even though it was inconvenient for me to do so. Many women my age thought I was crazy for not using the convenience of abortion that many feminist women feel has liberated them from their own maternal instincts to nurture and protect their unborn.

And for an extreme anti-feminist view, I do not believe in birth control. This drives my friends and especially feminist nuts! I know I am in the minority on this view, but it is my body my choice. I simply don't feel like medicating myself daily into faking my body into believing that I am already pregnant (that is what the pill does to prevent ovulation).

I believe in choice and personal responsibilty.

I have read past threads in this forum and I am interested in topics about the male birth control pill (how many men would be willing to take it?), abortion, and the option of adoption for unplanned pregnancies (I am adopted).

I am interested in male rights because I am raising two boys ages 5 and 6 and I am concerned about their education in the female dominated school system.


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I'm glad you came back. I'm also happy to see another woman concerned about men's issues. Female MRAs are paramount to our cause. It really speaks volumes as to the problems that exist for the male gender when females take the time to acknowledge them as well.

And BTW I greatly respect and commend your decision to keep your children. I'm pro-choice (the choice of both parent,s that is), but I'm pro pro the life choice, as I don't think God allows life to be created, just for it to be thrown away. BTW, I would take the male birth control pill if it was proven to be effective.

Please don't be a stranger, Kris.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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