Man dies after genitials 'set on fire by wife'

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Australian man has died from horrific burns after his wife allegedly set fire to his genitals while he was alseep.
His wife, Rajini, is expected to be charged with manslaughter or murder.
Police allege Mrs Narayan doused his genitals with methylated spirit and then set him on fire early on the morning of December 7.'

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What is this world coming to? Feminists are always saying that the victims of the most extreme DV are females. This is proof that they're wrong. It seems only women can be saddistic enough to want to cause harm to someone else's private parts. I'm not talking about all women, obviously, but I've never read an article about DV where a male caused harm to a woman's genitals. I hope they lock this bitch up and throw away the key.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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'"She wanted him to live more than anything," she said. '

Probably, only so she could watch him suffer after what she did to him. What a cunt! I'm sure God has a special place in hell reserved for people like her.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I agree with you on xtrnl on the point that women are the only ones that ever seem to commit this sort of genital-centred violence. Don't worry, these facts will come out eventually, and it will be exposed that women may in fact be the one's who commit more brutal acts of sexist violence (obviously this was a misandric and sexist act, why else would she go for the genitals?). The times they are a changin'.

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