Ninth body found at site of Santa-suit killings
Story here. Excerpt:
'COVINA, Calif. (AP) - A ninth body was found Friday morning at the charred site of a Christmas Eve massacre where a recently divorced man dressed as Santa shot indiscriminately at partygoers and destroyed his former in-laws' house with a homemade blowtorch.
The attacker, Bruce Pardo, reached a Dec. 18 settlement with his ex-wife, who along with her parents was believed to be among the dead. His lawyer and a fellow church usher were among those who said they had never seen anything to indicate he was capable of such a brutal crime.
Pardo left the scene of the killings and was found dead Thursday, of a single bullet to the head, at his brother's house.
Court documents show Sylvia Pardo got the couple's dog, the wedding ring and $10,000 in the settlement agreement, while he got the house. In June, the court ordered Bruce Pardo to pay $1,785 a month in spousal support and put him on a payment plan of $450 a month for $3,570 that was unpaid.
Pardo's attorney said the man had trouble making the payments after he lost his job in July, but spousal support was waived in the settlement signed earlier this month.'
There's no excusing such behavior, of course. This is simply a believable tragedy. That's right, believable. I would have written "unbelievable" if I were typing this even 10 years ago, but alas, it is believable. Lots of dead bodies, no justice, many questions, no living suspect to exact revenge against by incarceration or execution, as he has already passed judgment and executed sentence on himself. A truly necrotic state of affairs it has become when relations between the sexes and then between the people and the state get so bad that this sort of thing happens. But I doubt it's the last of such incidents, sadly. And as usual, just switch the sexes around in the story and the tale remains believable-- at least as long as you know the truth about DV.
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It is believable, but I think even without a support system in place for men to turn that he could have talked to someone. We will never know though as he apparently held no value in human life including his own.
Why would he be ordered to
Why would he be ordered to pay spousal support let alone pay her $10,000 as a "settlement"? The marriage lasted only one year. There were no kids for god's sake!! It's trivial to say that there is no excuse for such behavior, but, why shouldn't we expect some men to snap? The divorce system is very unfair and very biased towards the female. So many men take crap from an unjust family court system and just live with the outcome...they suck it up. Perhaps this guy couldn't take it anymore...so he snaps and goes berserk.
In some ways
I applaud him for acting as a revolutionary who stood up against the gender feminist totalitarian system that had violated his human rights.
Mr. Pardo is my hero
Mr. Pardo lashed out at those responsible for, and the enablers of, the Misandry Machine so prevalent in today’s society. He was screwed over in the divorce and fought back. My thoughts are for Mr. Pardo, and not anyone else. 18,000 men a year commit suicide after getting screwed over, Mr. Pardo struck back. Good for him.
Mr. Pardo, you are my hero.
He's your hero?
I hope your ex-wife sees your post and uses it as evidence that you should never see your children again. He shot an 8-year-old in the face. You are sick!
And for the person who whinged about how BJP had "everything" taken from him - what kind of crack are you on?
$10,000 for a year of marriage is fair - LESS than fair, even. He got the house! She had to go live with her parents!
She made the committment to marry him, and then when she found out the scumbag was claiming the child he abandoned after brain-damaging as a dependent on his taxes, she wanted out. She did not deserve to die for that!
BJP was a loser, not unlike the rest of you men's rights whiners.
Your hero. Oh my god. I wish you had answered the door at the party and got shot in the face!!!
'men's rights whiners'
Don't judge us all based on Arden Linoge's disturbing comments.
This Pardo guy deserves to rot in hell, his actions were inexcusable.
Re: In Some Ways
Violated his human rights? What about the human rights of the 10 people he killed? This guys vengenful act is a black eye on our movement. His actions should be scorned and in no way justified.
You heard me right
Nice try.
not unlike the rest of you men's rights whiners[/quote]
Misandry. Guess I know where you stand. Everything is a mans fault, right? If you think that $100,000 is fair price for the privilege of loving a woman for one year, then you are the one on crack.
and in response to what Mr. Anthony said
You are correct, one cannot assume the statements, or actions, of one person reflect those of an entire group. That, of course, would be wrong. Funny how people only do that to other people. I made the statement, and I have no problem with people denouncing me for that. I do not speak for all men, MRA's or even this website, only myself. Hate all you want.
No, I don't understand why
No, I don't understand why his ex got $10,000 plus several months of spousal support payments. So what if he lied about a claim on a tax return? Do you think that if a woman lied about her previous marriages or children, the guy would be let off the hook.
I am not going to join the feminist side by condemning what this guy did. We should use what he did as an example of why the system should be fixed. If men said "no" to this crap several decades ago (in a way hopefully less violent than the above example), do you think that we would be where we are today. By "crap" I mean, women getting men arrested by only accusation, getting instant restraining orders and instant "temporary" support of children, getting free divorce lawyers, etc WHILE AT THE SAME TIME getting to keep the same "helpless woman" benefits from 40 years ago (alimony, etc).
First of all, she got TEN thousand dollars, not $100,000. Chump change. It's not like he didn't have it! They found $17,000 on him.
Second of all, they met in 2004, so that is 4 years they were together.
Who said she lied about her children or previous marriages?
And yes, if you think this guy is your hero, I will hate you all I want. Loser! No wonder your wife divorced you!
Like I said
Nice try. You assume so much. My wife never divorced me.
Men's rights are a joke
Also, I wonder just exactly why this psycho was fired from his job in the middle of his divorce.
Could it be that he was an immature and vindictive prick who didn't want to pay alimony as ordered, and so engineered (so to speak) a situation where he would get fired and then get to cry poor and not pay support? He applied for spousal support from HER, and didn't get it.
Also, according to reports, after he was fired, he went on an extended trip around the country and burned through their savings account - from $88K to $17K. Really looking for a job there, huh? It seems to the casual observer that he was doing everything he could to reduce his net worth in order to screw his wife out of support. Just the classy sort of action you might expect from a pathetic loser like this.
Furthermore, he got the house, he owned an SUV AND a Hummer, so why don't you all explain to me exactly how he got "screwed" in the divorce if ALL he had to pay her was $10,000?
He could have gotten another fucking dog.
Don't tell me he got screwed in this divorce. That is bullshit.
All of you men's rights shits out there should be ashamed of yourselves for sticking up for this loser.
Arden Linoge
"Nice try. You assume so much. My wife never divorced me."
Really? Let me guess, which is it?
a) she killled herself from the torment of being married to you
b) she just up and left because you are such a prick
c) she is in a coma
d) you shot and burned her and her family to a crisp
again you assume so much. Bring the hate baby, you know you want it.
and to answer your question some men get fired because of the divorce. Yes, that is right. Simply getting divorced can get a man fired.
you are pathetic
So you are saying BJP got fired because of his divorce?
I'm not buying it, "baby". I will bet you dollars to donuts that he did something to get himself fired on purpose.
All signs point to him deliberately decreasing his net worth on purpose, and then when he got "screwed" by having to pay $10K WHICH HE HAD, he went postal.
I don't know who you think you are, or why you are here (only to display your arrogance and ignorance?).
The entire world mourned for Andrea Yates (that 'poor woman' who has gone through so much) after she brutally murdered five of her children.
Women's groups were incensed at the public hated for Karla Homolka after she received only a relative slap on the wrist for raping and murdering two children.
Women have demanded a law that allows them to murder their children with relative impunity (s.663 of the Canadian criminal code), and they have also demanded protection from public scrutiny by bullying the media into ignoring female violence.
There is no female evil going that women aren't low enough to defend. If you hate people who stick up for psychos, you had better camp out on the NOWs doorstep and pester them 24/7.
But that doesn't really suit you, does it?
Get lost, creep.
Rant away
Rant away "baby"
Your posts are quite educational. They show all the world the hate spewed from the Misandrists.
$10,000 chump change? Yeah I got that just lying around
I was not saying anything when I pointed out that you were wrong. Men can and have been fired for nothing more than a divorce. It happens it's real and you cannot dispute that it happens.
Go on attack men some more. Show us dirty men that we are all evil. Tell us how we should be exterminated, you know you want to.
"All of you men's rights
"All of you men's rights shits"
You're pathetic and ignorant. What's the matter, don't like the fact some men aren't taking shit from females anymore? You're failure to acknowledge that the family/divorce courts have been corrupted by feminists/womens groups proves that you are a reactionary emotional twat. You wanted a gender war dipshit, well now men are starting to participate. Enjoy.
I'm not surprised she's acting like a scared child
Clear-thinking, informed men really are a threat to her and her ilk.
Funny how this site would allow her to speak her mind, no matter how hate filled her speak is, while Misandrists sites WILL NOT allow men to even discuss things on their sites. There you MUST tow the line or you will get banned.
Welcome to the board-- be aware of some rules
"wifebeaten" - you certainly know how to make a debut! Rules here on MANN are few, but the few there are are solid. You can argue and argue contrary to anyone, users, mods, whoever all you want. You can use heated language, that's fine. But you can't use words like "idiot" pointed at someone, or other kinds of personal attacks. You can say "That was a stupid idea", for example, not "you are stupid". We try to keep the comments directed at ideas and not at individuals. This keeps threads from becoming flame wars. Aside from that, pretty much anything else goes.
The most recent time I had to take some time to discuss this can be found here:
Basically, that comment sums it up.
Welcome to MANN! ;)
-- Matt (MANN co-mod)
Calm down
"Broadsword" - Same thing goes for you as for our latest member - calm down, no personal insults.
Calling foul
"creep" - no personal insults, scottie. Told the same thing to "wifebeaten", et al.
All: Step back and relax
In one thread I've had to make three posters aware (or, re-aware) of the rule re personal insults. Well I knew this'd be a hot one but MANN is no stranger to controversy and we all already know that.
I have just reiterated the MANN take on this kind of thing. Now that that is done and I have pointed out the matter, from this point I will start keeping tally.
But you ask, what do I do if someone says something I think fits into the "personal insult" category? Simple: Send us a note with the link to the comment. But do not play their game with a counter-insult. We'll look at the comment and decide if it's a flag. Simple enough. The urge to "fight back" directly is strong. But again, we're not on a schoolyard with absent school teachers ignoring you getting picked on by the bully. This is cyberspace. Just let the mod know and things will go much better and problems like outbreaks of name-calling will subside much more readily.
Thank you and enjoy your high blood pressure medication. :)
My apologize
Let me apologize to anyone who read through all that.
I apologize ... and not because someone asked me to.
I apologize for goading her on, but when she comes in hurling the hate about with reckless abandon, I just can't help myself. I gotta push yet another button and see how high I can get her blood pressure. Of course all she had to do was ask me to explain myself. Ya know talk in a rational manner, to debate and discuss. But she had to start off with the insults.
Send MANN mods a note
Next time you feel you are personally insulted, send us a note at admin@mensactivism.org. It's that simple, really. You needn't feel you are running crying to mommy (or daddy). Think of it more as you getting fouled in a game and sending us a note is equivalent to pointing at the other player who fouled you and asking the ref for some damn justice. Because, that's a lot more like what it is.
Pardo is the wrong guy to defend
As much as I hate misandry and am in support of men's rights and issues, I think that Mr. Pardo is the wrong person to defend and use as an example of the injustices of the divorce industry. There are many better men to use as examples, such as Will Hetherington.
What Pardo did is a good example of what not to do, as it merely reinforces the stereotype of men as violent and abusive. A stereotype that I thought we were trying to dispel.
Here's what I posted at ABCNews.com
"While some posters have stated men commit a disproportionate number of violent acts, it should be noted that men perform a disproportionate number of heroic acts. The common element is the willingness to take risks, and men tend to be overrepresented at both ends of the good/bad spectrum.I don't condone what Mr. Pardo did in this case. While it's true that many men are given a raw deal in divorce proceedings, and this needs to be stopped, I'm afraid that Mr. Pardo's actions should not be defended by men's rights advocates."
And later I wrote this:
I am so sick of male bashing in the media, and in some of the comments posted here. While masculinity can be destructive if not harnessed properly, it can also be very creative. Almost all of the infrastructure that you take for granted - cities, transportation, telecommunications, have had mostly men as their creators. And in response to the remark that men couldn't withstand the pain of childbirth (resulting in humans becoming extinct), well, if it were not for men, much of the world's civilization would fall apart as the infrastructure fell apart due to lack of maintenance.What a sad state of affairs exists between men and women in America and the rest of the western world. It grieves me that there is so much hatred between the sexes, and I never set out to be an enemy to the opposite sex. However, given the level of hostility toward the male gender, I am compelled to defend other men. And I wil continue to do so."
IMO, sums it up. What he did was wrong. Plenty of actual examples of men victimized by The System exist. Divorce is going to happen. Problems are going to happen. Settlements are going to be fair sometimes and not others. Pardo was not a man "denied justice" (and even if he were, he still had the wrong way of fighting it). He was instead a vindictive murderer and also, of course, criminally insane. His particular circumstances don't vindicate him and I find it hard to think of any example where his actions could be vindicated.
First of all Linoge, you said his wife got 100K, which is false. She got 10K, which her husband had. His worthless carcass was found with 17K on it.
Second of all, he was fired from his job for some reason in the middle of the divorce. I doubt that he was fired BECAUSE of the divorce, because how many people would be out of a job out there if divorce were a valid reason for firing someone?
Third, he burned through their savings, reducing it from 88K to 17K, and took an extended trip through the US when he should have been looking for a job.
Fourth, he owned a Hummer and an SUV. If he were so strapped for cash, he could have sold either of these fine luxury vehicles. These are all facts.
BJP apparently deliberately reduced his income and net worth in an attempt, no doubt, to "push buttons", "get at her", and "teach her a lesson". He did not get "screwed" in the divorce. He got the house and was only required to pay 10K. He could have gotten another g-d dog.
There is no justification for killing 9 people and shooting an 8 year old in the face, and anyone who thinks so is not only a creep, but an idiot, in my opinion.
You want to explain how you think mass murder is justified, go ahead. If you want to find a community of likeminded individuals, perhaps http://www.stormfront.org would be a better place to find people who agree with you.
about that house...
How much equity was in that house anyway? Could it be that it was a huge bundle of debt with a big mortgage payment?
What I've got so far:
- He has a son from a previous marriage who got away from him for "just a few minutes" into a pool which resulted in brain injury. Gee, could that possibly be traumatic?
- He had an ex-wife who showed anger and presumably no compassion about his son. He reflected that lack of compassion.
- He gets the house, value and loan amount unknown.
- He has a Hummer and SUV, values and loan amounts unknown.
- She was awarded $10000
- She was awarded $1750/mo spousal support
- She was owed $3750 in spousal support
- He was paid an unknown amount with his job in the aerospace industry.
- He had no job...
Oprah gets to defend that
Oprah gets to defend that preacher killing wife by having a show where she gets to talk about how her children are doing after she regained custody and for talking about a possible new book. Did Oprah get flak for that? Why not? Oh, let me guess...killing your husband is OK as long as you have a story about years of domestic abuse.
Why can't us men talk here about the reasons for this guy doing what he did instead of us just having non stop rants condemning his behavior. Perhaps he did run down all the bank accounts. Wouldn't it be justified for some men to be angry if their wife filed for divorce 1 year after marriage and after finding out that the ex wife may get half of everything he owns? How much of that $88,000 did she earn?
I agree that it is a bit peculiar that he got the house...and I'm betting you that there was significant negative equity in it.
Get Lost, Wifebeaten!
Wifebeaten, you just don't seem to get it do you? We're not defending his actions. Did you not read the posts where other members of the site clearly condemned his actions?
It makes you angry that we understand the reason why this man snapped, and it bothers you that it has something to do with the female-pandering divorce court. While I don't condone Pardo's actions, I can understand why he was angry.
How would you feel if you had to pay nearly $2000 a month to someone who doesn't want to be with you, for a divorce that you don't want? And then to have to pay 10k on top of that after losing your job? And who cares how much of his own money he spent. Damn females and their female entitlement bullshit... why is she entitled to any of that money if she didn't earn it, and if she was the one who wanted the divorce? What did the ex wife do to earn that money? And don't tell me that just being a wife earns her that, cause husbands don't get jack for being a husband, except of course an infinite load of disrespect and being stereotyped as stupid or evil.
And that is the point. Laws today are so misandric that some men are driven to insanity, after being subjugated to injustice. And don't you dare attack me for saying that, because you would be quick to claim any child-murdering female only did so because she was mentally ill. Neither is justifiable, even regarding such circumstances.
In closing, I would like to say that allimony is the most unjust thing ever created. The word allimony is likely derived from the Latin word for prostitute, as it enables a female to have all the advantages of being married, yet still get to be a giant slut. No one's paying us guys to ditch our wives and sleep around with other chicks. And believe me, any woman that would have to pay a man allimony, then see him spend the money on other women would lose it. Just ask Madonna.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
i have to say this
what happened here was a tragedy, no doubt.
we mourn the death of any innocent children or by-standers.
that being said, for a long time (decades) i have wondered why more men don't
react in a similar manner as this. some of the crap
heaped on men is just unbelievable. they are daily fare
for man-hating courts, and all the machinery that counts on
the monetary input from men only to exist.
right now the guy in Australia who being told he cannot see his
child because his x-wife is a nut job, should be given Sainthood
for not wearing that judge's balls as part of a costume
to a New Year's Eve party.
imho - men, in general, have acted with tremendous
reserve. this sort of thing has been a long time coming.
i fully expect to see more and more of it. mainly
because a lot more men are getting raped in divorce court
than in past days. the $$ handouts for treating men like crap has really
grown. kids automatically taken away in many many instances,
for no other reason than a man's gender. the payouts to
courts, lawyers and women are growing exponentially.
"support her in the manner to which she has become accustomed"?
can't imagine one-sided laws like that being inflamatory.
men constantly being falsely accused of molestion, D.V. or rape,
and the court MAYBE charge her w/ "filing a false police report"?
this sort of one-sided butt kissing has got to stop. but that
ain't gonna happen. nobody is talking seriously about fixing this broken system.
so, i fully expect to see more of this sort of thing.
and of course, whether any man may have felt
justified or not will not matter to the media.
it will ever be, man bad, woman good. maybe these really are the
keep treating men like crap in courts and i expect it will be the
"end times" for more and more of these judges, lawyers, family members,
women and some unfortunate children.