Thoughts on "The Decline Of Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'And while women's wages have soared, wages for men have declined.

'Men are not just getting poorer, they're also getting dumber,' he says. And he's right. Beneath the lip gloss of metrosexual modern male, men are in trouble.

Men of all ages are becoming increasingly 'angry, suspicious, reactionary and isolated' because women have treated the men's natural roles without respect.

Who wouldn't become reactionary when all that you knew had been demeaned, taken from you or chipped away?

Who wouldn't feel isolated when society had institutionalised fatherlessness, thus eradicating the most vital and enhancing role any man can play in his life?

Garcia goes so far as to argue that the roles have flipped so much from the way they were, say, 50 years ago - and that men have become so emasculated and feminised - that 'men are the new women'.

If that's true, and sadly it is for some men, then women have a lot to answer for. And perhaps the greatest irony is that it's us who are the losers in the end.'

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Now that it looks like she may have to really work for a living she wants "manly men". To get this these "metrosexuals" she vilifies need to become "manly men" for her so she can get aroused and actually want to have sex or something (guess being gay isn't going to work for her). It never ends does it-- vilifying metrosexual men after vilifying non-metrosexual men so that they become metrosexual and then say they want the non-metrosexual back until when-- until she wants metrosexual men back or maybe something else this time... my what a hamster wheel!

So men get sissified and then the economy tanks and now to get the ball rolling again men have to manly-up and become "real men" and.. do what? Change the laws of mathematics to make $10 trillion in debt become a mere $1 million? Or maybe start working some more so she can live off some nouveaux manly-man?

I don't give a $hit what she wants. Men shouldn't give a $hit what women want. Men should be free to be what women are: whatever they want to be. Men can be free this way if we just CHOOSE not to give a $hit what women want and do and be what we want. For some of us that includes being female-free. Not a bad option. It's that simple. The author can go frack herself.

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1.)Feminism is a great concept, but radically detoured along the way.
2.)If women didn't have child support laws coddling them, then they would have to take resonsibility for their biological mommy impulses and not "dump" them onto men AND get to blame them. Victim + Tolatarian = Temporary Illusion

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I would add alimony to #2.

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Thanks to industrialization the traits associated with masculinity weren't needed and women stopped rewarding men for that behavior. Now with the threat of the recession looming she wants women to start rewarding men for the behavior they (and her too for all I know) had been railing against for decades. The same behavior that results in men making up 90% of workplace deaths 99% of deaths in war and live 8 years fewer.

I say DESTROY traditional masculinity. Who seriously thinks that breaking your back night and day for money that someone who's going to live longer than you is a good idea? They made their bed. The best revenge is letting them lie in it.

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i can't help but laugh. this is sad, but what degraded discarded man didn't see it coming?

CS? alimony? shucks, that's just the tip of the iceberg; and, here comes the Titanic.

we have affirmative action giving women jobs they can't and won't properly perform.
judges automatically giving women sole custody and total control of children of
the divorce (they wanted) and can't properly raise.
universities giving women degrees they can't properly utilize.
courts giving women the ability and absolute "right" to kill future
children (by the tens of millions) that we will never know.
laws giving women the right to emasculate any man in the work place,
just because she doesn't like him or feels threatened by his masculinity,
or for whatever reason or if she just feels "uncomfortable", because of him.
"churches" giving women "robes of authority" they look foolish wearing.
we have governments giving "women only" special welfare rights and funding
they constantly abuse.
we have male courts/judges giving women a "big time" pass in sentencing.
we have judges enforcing paternity fraud against men so women can be given
$$ from duped men.
we have male cops, juries and judges giving women a pass enforcing child
rape/ molestation laws.
we have males like biden giving women's groups billions of taxpayer $$ to
hire lesbian and feminist lawyers/groups and spend just any way they see
fit, as long as it gives women special rights and privilege.
we have a new womanly acting pres., who gives the woman in his bed credit for doing
everything from raising HER kids to being a role model for him.
we have a media who give women such a P&*^y pass they refuse to even publish
anything pro-male or that detracts from the perfection that is today's "special woman".
we have police giving women a pass when enforcing DV laws, or any laws, and
legislatures that give us "women only" laws/rights/options/funding/etc.
in DV, and sole recognition under said laws.
we have a government that gives such preference to women hiring that they now
make up 57% of government employees.

and the list goes on, ad infinitum.

anyone notice a common thread here?

everything women claim to have accomplished was in reality,
"given" to them by someone, mostly males.

all they really accomplished on their own was to use their "special purpose"
(see Steve Martin in "The Jerk") to bribe males into giving them their every wish.

but now the "big" charge card in washington is getting too much to handle,
and they need to find some men to blame. they desperately need some "real men" to step
up, man-up, grab that yucky shovel, and dig them out of this hole women and their new emasculated male minions have dug for themselves. the cracks in the poorly mixed cement foundations are starting to crack. the world isn't so easy to manage anymore. where are the men to fix this? can't we just print some more money obama? women are just starting to get fearful that the mess they made can't be cleaned up this time.
they not only fired all the "help", they neutered them.
but can someone (real men) please step up and fix all this, w/o women having to
give up any of these handouts, special rights and privileges, please?

fat chance.

what do you mean this Titanic is sinking and the lifeboats
are for women and children only? out of my way. chivalry be damned!

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    "and that men have become so emasculated and feminised - that 'men are the new women'."

BS! We need to napalm this sort of comment everytime we see it. The misandrous implication is that women used to be discriminated against, devalued, disdained and hated just as men are today. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Women have always been held in high esteem (yeah, who got the lifeboats?) but have suffered discrimination due to their rigid sex role just as men face in today's world. They have never faced the sort of hateful onslaught that men face today. Never. If we allow this sort of thing to stand then the implication is that there is justification for the misandry of today since it is now "men's turn" to be the scapegoat. This simply authorizes and gives a pass to bogus and feminist manufactured hatefulness for no good reason.

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Who wants to place bets on whether or not they publish my comments? I give 5 to 1 they don't. Everyone post a comment and give it a day and report if they posted it, just to see what kind of censorship they are doing, i posted mine Sunday Night so I'll give it to... uh 5pm Monday.

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All this article tells me is that women will never be happy, nor will they ever know what they want. I can't say much for feminine qualities in women either, I mean I'm lucky if I see one feminine woman in a group of a hundred these days.

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I knew it, no comments posted. They must censor the crap out of it.

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Men were put on this earth for the same reason as women: to be happy. And I think it's up to each and every man to decide what makes him happy, and to pursue it. I think that for too long, we've been brainwashed into thinking that somehow we are accountable to women for everything that we do and for every part of our existence. I think it's time we set them straight.

The best way to do this is to simply live our lives according to our own desires, values, and determinations as to what will make us happy. And if we do try to be happy...what can the man-haters out there do about it?

I don't think that all women are man-haters...but there is a significant population of them out there. You all know the type, you've all felt the glances and the hostility. In some ways, I think males nowadays are in the same situation as blacks were in the South in the 1950s. Back then, blacks were surrounded by people who were not offended by their ideas, but by their very skin color.

I think that something we should do is to actually seek out these misandrists...confront them with our presence and our voices whenever the opportunity arises. Glare back. Stare back. Learn to be strong again and defend ourselves emotionally, intellectually and socially. If we let the world's man-haters get away with it, we have nobody to blame for it but ourselves.

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Kinda what I do, but there are many men out there that are feel stuck in the web through a female lying about birth control to be a mommy and tells her daddy, err government, on him.

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I agree...but I think there is reason to take heart. I used to live in a rather misandrist region of Canada, but now I live overseas in Asia, and I'm delighted to discover that the misandry that seems to be so much a part of life in Britain, the US, Canada, and other English-speaking countries is pretty much nonexistent elsewhere. Here kind, strong men are appreciated, and I daresay the women in these countries represent the majority of the female population in the world. Obviously, moving overseas is not an option open to every male, but it's nice to be able to share with my brothers the knowledge that the misandrists of the world are a tiny minority.

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sorry double post

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Let traditional masculinity die--especially if it is now modern female approved. I would say there are many women today that like the manly male only because they have found out that this is a very disposable, mindlessly chivalric, type of sub-human beast--which they can then laugh at for having those qualities. So much of what holds men back from being critical of women and feminists are these bullshit, classic chivalric male behaviors of disposability. The faster they go, the faster we can properly dismantle all the poison ideological feminism has wROugT.

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