Police: Florida Woman Murdered 8-Year-Old Son on Christmas

Story here.

'Police said Eryn Allegra, of Port St. Lucie, gave the boy eight Advil pills to put him to sleep, then early Thursday morning suffocated him with a pillow in a hotel room. Allegra then allegedly tried to slit her wrists, but the blade she used was too dull. Police said she dialed 911 and was taken to a local hospital.

Allegra told investigators she had been having financial problems since August 2007.

It was unclear if Allegra had an attorney.'

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Where is the outrage, the condemnation? I went over to check out the story to check out this story. I like to check things out, just because this website says it's so doesn't mean it is. I want to make sure.

Well when I went over there I noticed only 4 comments. All the comments were about how sad it was, how it was a tragedy. There was not one that was outraged. Not one that condemned her for the murder of her son, not one. Are not the lives of all children special?

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women are the reason the sun comes up
and the moon shines out at night.

children are just someone to blame,
or use for extortion, or kill when the mood turns.

abortion was a giant stepping stone to larger
children, and men. men bad, women good. how many
ways do they have to prove it?

so this will be on nancy grace or oreilly?
opps, forgot already. it was a boy child.

she'll be determined to be insane and get
some treatment and maybe probation, as usual. ho hum. SOP

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