Maryland Woman Arrested in Mexico 10 Years After Kidnapping 4-Year-Old Son

Story here. Excerpt:

'HOUSTON — A Maryland woman who fled 10 years ago with her son to Mexico after a custody dispute has been arrested and flown back to the United States, officials said.

Tamara Kennedy, a U.S. citizen and her now 14-year-old son, Joseph Alexander Kennedy, disappeared from Maryland in 1998, shortly before sole custody of the boy was to be given to the child's father, said Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Brandon A. Montgomery.
The boy's father, Donald Wiswell, came to Houston on Wednesday in hopes of being reunited with his son.

But Child Protective Services officials will keep the boy in custody until the investigation is completed.

"In cases like this, there have been many years of separation, and there may be allegations by the parent who fled with him that we need to look at before reuniting to make sure the transition is smooth and the child is safe," said Houston CPS spokeswoman Estella Olguin.'

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Bets, bets, taking all bets.

She will spout allegations of abuse either sexual or physical against herself or the child to justify herself. Is there any doubt?

So now, will the father ever get a chance to see the boy? Or will the allegations be used as proof that he is a danger.

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Yeah. On the basis of ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE AT ALL, "Child Protective Services" decides to confiscate the child from the rightful, legal parent - who hasn't seen his son for 14 years - on the ASSUMPTION that the kidnapper "had good reason" to kidnap the child. If the genders were the other way around, they'd be rushing like crazy to turn the child over to the mother in an orgy of mental masturbation. Talk about a double standard.

I think this incident should be brought to Glenn Sach's attention and he should start a campaign over it.

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in the article, the "mother" has probably already started spouting the
typical feminist rant about abuse, molestation, et al.
almost all women believe any woman deserves to have sole
custody and eternal support, pretty much no matter what.

and no one will raise a cry for the real victims,
a child and his father. the child has surely undergone
a type of brainwashing known as parential alienation.
he may even HATE his father by now. no mention of that, huh.
cps has already chosen sides.
notice the delay in returning the child?)
as has the media (her child?).

wonder how the punishment for this privileged one will
be different if this had been a father taking a daughter?

i can tell you. he would be an old man before being released.
and he would owe a pocket full of back CS and interest, and penalties,
and fees, and lawyers, and probation officers.

this, my friends, is what sustains this abomination. $$$$$

from the man of course.

w/o equality there can be no justice.

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The U.S. really need not bring in a penis tax, as was proposed. Child Support and Allimony already exist. Those are really nothing more than a man being charged money for having male genitalia. Feminists who support this biased, misandric, female ass-kissing setup are no better than members of the KKK, who would jump to support a court system that was even more biased against blacks than the one that's already in place.

I must admit the U.S. is really starting to scare me. Just a few days ago I read about a man getting stabbed by his girlfriend, and him getting charged with assault as well as her. This is not much different. A woman commits a crime, and the man gets punished for it. In this case, by him not getting to see a son he hasn't seen in 10 years.

It's so easy to blame the victim of a crime when it's a man, isn't it? Heaven forbid we just punish the ones responsible for the crime; we need someone with a penis to punish, because everything is a man's fault, remember?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I wonder if she's going to have to pay for the years of missed child support, like a man would have to...

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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