Police use excessive force, ER docs say

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – In a survey of a random sample of U.S. emergency physicians, virtually all said they believed that law enforcement officers use excessive force to arrest and detain suspects.

The sample included 315 respondents. While 99.8 percent believed excessive force is used, almost as many (97.8 percent) reported that they had managed cases that they suspected or that the patient stated had involved excessive use of force by law enforcement officers.

Nearly two thirds (65.3 percent) estimated that they had treated two or more cases of suspected excessive use of force per year among their patients, according to a report of the survey published in the January 2009 issue of the Emergency Medicine Journal.
Blunt trauma inflicted by fists or feet was the most common type of injury cited in cases of suspected use of excessive force, followed by "overly tight" handcuffs.

Most emergency physicians (71.2 percent) admitted that they did not report cases of suspected use of excessive force by law enforcement officers.'

What's this have to do with men's rights? Well, how many of these "suspected abused suspects" do you suppose are female? One in 10? One in 100? One in 1,000?

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Of course cops use excessive force on suspects especially male suspects. They get away with it because the American public have become dependent on using violence against evil doers. DA's usually promote tough law enforcement to advance political agendas like dead beat dads and Biden's domestic violence gig. And cops are the enforcement arm.

America's favorite flavor isn't hot dogs, cheeseburgers or ice cream it is cop butt. The public just can't kiss cops backsides hard enough or long enough!

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Cops don't think. They just follow orders, and we all know they're all trained by rabid, man-hating, gender feminists - paid for by VAWA. America's police are nothing more than misandrist thugs, practicing their thuggery under color of law.

All men have a target on them

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"96.5% said there was no departmental policy for
reporting their suspicions" - unless there was a
real citizen (woman or female child involved).

93.7% received no education or training in dealing
w/ the situation. and virtually all e-room doctors see this
several times every year.

sounds like a breeding ground for male hatred. and if
you told these mostly male cops they were less than men for
abusing prisoners what would be the response?

i keep a camera w/ me at all times (at work) these days.
what goes around ...
oh, that i could be of some assistance.

i hear x-cops do real well behind bars. and their families
on welfare once the lawsuits get going. seems like lawyers
would be all over this. and doctors will cooperate/testify
once a couple of these lawsuits hit home. insurance companies
won't cover their arse as well if lies are proven. and lawyers
probably won't produce the Pic's until all the lies have been told.

thank the nice man joe biden again girls.

this is the type justice
you get when people who physically look like men really aren't.
and the real reason for no funding for training has been elected
to the 2nd highest office in the land.

any real man that looks for justice or a fair shake among this trash
is a fool at best.

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