Women's groups unhappy with Obama cabinet picks

Article here. Excerpt:

'Perhaps the plumpest appointment in President-elect Barack Obama's Cabinet went to a woman: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was nominated for secretary of state. But his track record on picking women for his Cabinet is no different from that of the two presidents who preceded him.
"So far the numbers of women don't look great," Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, said of Obama's picks. "George Bush started off with this many, and Bill Clinton, at the height of his presidency, had nine out of 19."

Ellen Malcolm, president and founder of Emily's List, said Obama "obviously started off with a bang, with Janet Napolitano, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice." She added: "We've been disappointed to see women suggested for some positions and not chosen."

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Bad enough but read this:


"WASHINGTON -- Former President Bill Clinton's foundation has raised tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments that his wife will engage as the next secretary of state.

The former president's foundation is releasing a list of its donors Thursday under an agreement that cleared the way for President-elect Barack Obama to nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave more than $10 million to the foundation, which pays for Clinton's presidential library and his charitable work around the world. Other foreign government givers include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Italy and Jamaica. Indian interests are represented.

The huge donor list is packed with international business leaders and billionaires."

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It seems feminist groups are always unhappy. They appear to be miserable people. Someone donate some Prozac to NOW.

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Why not send the feminists a bunch of copies of "Final Exit"? :-)

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