NY Post: 'Outlawing Boyhood'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Or maybe females have removed their shackles and put them on males. In her book, "The Trouble with Boys," journalist Peg Tyre investigates an education system in which women principals oversee women teachers who treat girl behavior as standard. All the way down this gynocracy, normal male behavior (squirming in preschool, being more interested in war stories than relationships, pretending to shoot each other) is redefined as antisocial, threatening, or (most sinister of all) indicative of "special needs" that gets boys disappeared to the Gitmo of Special Ed. (Boys are diagnosed with attention disorders at four times the rate of girls).

"Girls have been oppressed by men since the dawn of time," one sarcastic letter writer declared to Tyre. "Now we're on top for a nanosecond and it's a crisis." Note the "We." Too many women (liberal women, it seems to me) think of females as much like a sports team, in mortal competition with the other team. Only one "side" can win.'

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...did the "dawn of time" begin femi-twit? With the Big Bang that created the universe? Science can only theorize but these skanks seem to know.

They are liars and frauds of the first order and saying such an all inclusive stereotypical statement like that is in my opinion hate speech and should be prosecuted.

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This is the very reason I joined this group. The whole educational system is stacked against boys. Parents need to be very aware. Even the curricula are slanted to favor female learning styles. Boys are labeled as unable to sit still, so they must have a learning disability and in need of Ritalin.

Here in the US be leery of the 'No Child Left Behind' Act that mandates the use of standardized tests. Most states use a test that favors girls. Even the SAT is changing to be more language based (where girls tend to excel). Girls are now getting higher test scores, and getting accepted into colleges more than boys.

My mother has researched and advocated for this subject for many years after my brother was labeled as ADD. We were in the same class and I remember him being disciplined every day!

I have two young boys and am very concerned about the education they will receive.

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