New Song - "Judges in Family Court"

Here's a new song you might be interested in. It's entitled "Judges in Family Court." Needless to say, you won't be hearing your local disc jockey playing this from your local "Top 40" chart anytime soon.

Not too bad for a first effort from this group. No, I'm not in this production, but was invited. I sing very poorly.

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Finding a voice-- never mind if the tune is out of tune. Never mind if it's not "broadcast-quality". Just find your voice and let it be heard. Squeaky wheels don't get greased if they don't squeak!

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Fred of "Face Up To Fred" told me I jumped the gun, and that the copy I posted was only for preview. A better copy will be out shortly on the "Face Up To Fred" website. Hopefully, some new songs will be coming along soon too.

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Although it may be written and intended as a satire... it's TOO true.


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