"United States puts more women at risk in conflicts"

Article here.

The harsh reality of war and death should be understood by anyone who enlists in the armed forces. We cannot equate the mortality of one gender over another. They are all soldiers, each death tragic, regardless of gender. Excerpt:

'Ann Wright, a retired Army colonel and former State Department diplomat, said that, with each woman's death in Iraq, the public becomes more aware of the dangers women face. But it hasn't spawned the backlash some predicted.'

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Every now and then I see these articles about American military women at risk. This one is pretty typical and predictable. Elaine Donnelly is quoted worrying about women being put at risk. At least one military woman in Iraq is quoted discussing the fact that there is no front line in Iraq and that American military women are increasingly faced with dangers just like the men -- but that they're doing a good job. I come away from the article with my perceptions reinforced:

American military women make up a small proportion of the total American force.

American military women are protected from the most dangerous jobs.

American military women make up a very small fraction of those killed and seriously injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The lives of American military women are considered more precious than the lives of our young men in uniform, reflected by the media's disproportionate coverage of the small number of women who are killed.

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Women really don't belong in the military (even in support roles.) They complicate the armed service because they thrust themselves in the role of victim when it serves their pupose. Their life and saftey is also a priority when compared to a man. The difference in physical strength is also a major issue. Imagine if women were on the "Front Line" and takes time out to change a tampon? Actually a used tampon coud be an effective weapon. (that comment might be a bit unfair). Women must realize there are three (probably more) aspects of society that will always be male dominated...the military, sports, and the construction industry. Have you guys ever seen a construction crew working on the highway, with the token female holding the "drive slowly sign"? The men are doing back breaking labor while the woman (who is paid equally) does virtually nothing. So much for the equity of affirmative action.


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"'They're assigning female soldiers into areas that should be all male,' said Donnelly, who served on a Pentagon women's advisory board during the Reagan administration"

No doubt Donnelly was one of the women pushing for equality a few years ago. Now there's a war..OOPS!! Time to do and About Face!!

Based on what the article says, it looks like men are having to risk their lives just to get the women out of certain zones before a battle starts. They should do a study of this, to see if men's death and injury rate has gone up due to the presence of women.


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I agree it would be unfair - to the enemy!! Throwing a used tampon constitutes the most heinous instance of biological warfare imaginable - especially depending on what else has been in the woman's pussy (i.e. lice, chiggers, amoebas, and all kinds of other yucky stuff). Of course if it later came before the Geneva Convention or whatever, the woman would get 2 months house arrest and 30 hours of community service as punishment. Then Congress will do a study on "what kind of pressure would make a woman throw a tampon in battle";a new form of battle fatigue will be created as a result - perhaps "Light Days Syndrome"; the tampon company will be sued by women's groups for selling to the military.
Future history textbooks will consist of approximately 50-100 pages on the Iraq War, 70% of which will cover the Light Days Syndrome phenomenon, and its repercussions for future generations of women.

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Either treat women equally or don't enlist them at all. What's the sense of having "soldiers" with limited duty capabilities? Enlisting females just to be politically correct is damaging the military’s readiness and effectiveness. If they want true equality, then, mandate that they sign-up for the draft, don’t protect them by restricting their duty to non-combat roles, and put them on the front lines to draw fire so the guys can locate the enemy positions!

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There is an actual logical reason why women are not front line troops. It's because they have pussies. The truth of the matter is that nobody can keep one of those clean in front line conditions.

Forget G.I. Jane, the honest truth is that there have been multiple women to enter special operations training (Seals, Special Forces, Rangers) but not a single one has completed the training. Why? Vaginal infection. This is why during field training for other specalities, the women are shipped back to garrison every 4-7 days to have a proper shower.

I feel that there are things that women can do in the military, front line combat is not one of the things they are made for.


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"But women CAN serve on the front lines, just as soon as they get rid of their 'pussies', as you men call them. These 'pussies' are just socialized elements constructed by the patriarchy, to keep women from having kids without a man also being involved; but now that we don't need men to get pregnant anymore, we must fix things so that front-line commanders become sensitized to the fact, that the 'vagina' is just a myth created by the evil opressors - and therefore can pretend they are not actual physical entities due to innate differences in gender."

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