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'True Woman' movement seeks counter-revolution to feminism
Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-12-15 04:17
Story here. Excerpt:
'LOUISVILLE, Ky. (ABP) -- A group of conservative Christian women is seeking 100,000 signatures on a "True Woman Manifesto" aimed at sparking a counter-revolution to the feminist movement of the 1960s.
Introduced at a gathering of more than 6,000 women in early October, the document calls not for equal rights, but instead proclaims that men and women are created to reflect God's image in "complementary and distinct ways."
Kassian said even Christian women have been influenced more by feminism more than they realize, including the idea that patriarchy -- the idea of submitting to male authority -- is the source of all their heartache and problems.'
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I think a movement to reform feminism such that it is no longer unilaterally obsessed with the interests of women to the exclusion of men is of course a welcome thing. But most of these counter-feminism movements have been couched in religious terms and I am an unabashed secularist. Personally, I'd like to see a counter-feminist movement based on the simple notion that *gasp* men and women have interests as groups and as individuals that are of equal importance, or should be, in the eyes of society and especially of the law. One needn't couch the matter in religious terms to do that. To each his (or in this case, her) own, I suppose.
Jedem das Seine
men and women have interests as groups and as individuals that are of equal importance, or should be, in the eyes of society and especially of the law
If a society has two interests "of equal importance", such society will inevitably collapse.
All "groups of individuals" must be subordinate to the single interest of a society as a whole. And such an interest of the whole world society is the Scientific Progress.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
My curiosity is fairly piqued... at least in the contact of men's and women's interests, what would this look like to you?
Society has one main interest: to be maximally economically effective. One consequence from this is that such a terribly wasteful and savage social practice as child bearing with the help of resource consuming living human body must be abandoned and Artificial Womb must be used instead.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
guys, we need help
and with the way masculinity is viewed these days,
it may take some of the privileged ones among us to be that
arrow in the side of feminism. who can tell?
this should be interesting to watch. the Bible is VERY clear
about the the head of the family. if you profess
to believe and follow God's Word, and really have the Spirit
of God in your life, it's a no-brainer.
i just wonder what took so long for these alleged followers of the
God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Jesus to stand up and speak out?
divorce rate scare them? it's been out of control for decades now.
it's men's fault, remember?
same sex marriage got them in a tizzy? i doubt too many of them were
on the front lines fighting for the men getting hosed in divorce court.
that is where marriage was destroyed. and their "men of God" the whole time
echoing the feminist line about bad men causing all the problems.
children growing up in single family households also out of control,
damaged goods, and taking a beating trying to compete in society?
that too has been happening for generations now. the evidence has
been around and ignored for quite a while.
society, in general, falling apart? nothing new there either.
their silence has been deafening over the years. all we have heard
out of "Christian women" has been a following of the party line.
man bad, woman good.
maybe they are starting to see the injustice men face in family courts?
paternity fraud upset them? false rape and d.v. accusations upsetting?
i doubt it, and doubt many of those who have signed the petition even
know much about these, and many other MRA issues.
i am not one to turn away help, from wherever it comes. God knows MRA's need it.
but every time i try to go near one of these "churches" it doesn't take long
to hear how men need to do this and do that and marriage would be better
if men just bla bla bla. the rhetoric and women privilege hasn't changed.
we have all seen how they rule the men in their lives. whipped they surely are.
i have heard of nothing that would change marriage to be more fair.
women still have a win-win situation, and men still face lose-lose.
and these same type women have been leading the parade. they have been riding this
feminist wave float of woman privelege and control of men for decades.
heck, they have been the ones throwing the beads,
and now they want things to change?
we must hope that these women are good honest women. they must exist in some numbers.
however, they will be set upon by the most adament feminists. they will be looked upon as traitors, and there is only one thing fem's hate worse than a woman who denies them,
and that is a MRA.
imho- sounds like a fat satiated cat picking her teeth while throwing fish bones to the
less fortunate ones. the irony of it all is that this privilege they sat back and
enjoyed for so long has cost them the very things they once cherished and held Sacred.
for a long time i wondered why God in His infinite wisdom delegated women into
the role of being second to men in concerns of the Church, marriage and the family.
it is clear to me now. anything women run eventually becomes all about women.
we see that in everything this society does, especially marriage, family and the church.
and when that surety happens, where does that leave God?
I know some of you guys may not like this idea but
as a Christian myself, I say more power to them. Feminist women have a great fear of Conservative women because they offer an alternative which cuts feminism to pieces. I hope they get somewhere.
I can relate to this female
I can relate to this female movement in the article. I am not a feminist, but am proud to be female. I can tell you that I have had a lot more happiness in my life than any one of my feminist friends. I'm not bitter, angry and I have never had a guy treat me bad. But I have had women try and tear me down without even knowing me just because of what I wear and what I did for a job (I was on a professional dance team-a.k.a. cheerleader). Women used to send us hate-mail saying that we sent women back 50 years because of our skimpy outfits.
The feminist I have come across always think that the non-feminist is the enemy and are always trying to convert me. Why would I change? Like I said before I'm much happier than any of them. I'm not asking them to live by my beliefs, why do they want me to live by theirs?
Also, I have never understood the notion that we all have to be equal. In all animal species, the male and female compliment each-other. I just have to believe that is how nature intended it for human beings as well. Something has gone amuck, and in women striving to be more like men we have lost our ability to compliment eachother.
If you wonder what I am doing in this group, I should tell you that I am the mother of two young boys and my particular interest in 'male's rights' is with the educational system and how boys are getting short-changed.
Mother & Ally
['If you wonder what I am doing in this group, I should tell you that I am the mother of two young boys and my particular interest in 'Male's rights' is with the educational system and how boys are getting short-changed.'] Kris
Eventually, more mothers like yourself will see the education system for what it has become -- anti-boy.
May I suggest "The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men" -- by Christina Hoff Sommers.
As for the article, the phrase "complementary and distinct ways" resonates very heavily with me.
Feminists seem very insecure about their gender and lack a fundamental understanding of natures blueprint for men and women. There's no superiority or inferiority, simply innate differences that compliment one another.
Anthony, I actually already
Anthony, I actually already have that book, but I have not read it cover to cover. My boys are ages 5 and 6 and I am scarred to put them in public school. My friends think I am crazy (for almost all of my choices I have made in my life-not just this). Private schools are no better than public schools when it comes to this issue.
I have horrid school memories of my brother being beaten by teachers in the private school we attended. They also told him he had a learning disability. The father of my boys also had trouble in school and was told he had ADD. Both my brother and my ex are successful-but to no credit of the school system.
My boys are bright but full of energy. I found an all boys pre-school to send them to that incorporated a lot of physical activity but I can't find anything like it for elementary school. I fear my boys will have other issues at school because they are black and I live in an all-white community (I'm white). They are also very big for their ages so people always think they are older than they are. I feel that with them being large, black and boyish that people will label them as trouble makers.
I stumbled upon this group as I was searching for others that found the schools favoring girls.
I have read thru some old threads and am interested in sharing my opinions with this group especially when it comes to adoption (I'm adopted), birth control and abortion and the 'male' pill.
Hopefully there will be an article up soon covering these topics Although I have 2 kids, I am 25 and am still part of the single scene (at least my friends are-I don't date much).