Australia: Discrimination against white males will soon be encouraged

Article here. Excerpt:

'DISCRIMINATION against dominant white males will soon be encouraged in a bid to boost the status of women, the disabled and cultural and religious minorities.

Such positive discrimination -- treating people differently in order to obtain equality for marginalised groups - is set to be legalised under planned changes to the Equal Opportunity Act foreshadowed last week by state Attorney-General Rob Hulls.
Companies and public bodies accused of discrimination can only be held to account after a complaint has been made.

But the proposed changes go much further, allowing the commission to inquire into discrimination, seize documents and search and enter premises after attempts to bring about change have failed.

Businesses and individuals would be required to change their ways even if a complaint had not been received.

Action could be taken where an unlawful act was "likely to occur", not just in cases where discrimination has taken place.'

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I consider laws such as these a form of payback for the 'evils' of patriarchy.

"Guilty of Being White" -- by Hardcore legends - Minor Threat

You can easily substitute the lyrics with women who blame men for everything.

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born


I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born


I'm a convict
Of a racist crime
I've only served
19 years of my time

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born


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I'm very disapointed that Australia is going to stoop to this level. Thanks for the song Anthony.

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More importantly these proposals would be a complete abrogation of the law as it has been for hundreds of year. One of the principal of law is that there should be no prosecution without a crime having been committed. These proposals would appear to pre-empt this and allow the authorities to act if there is a suspicion that something might happen. This is very much feminist and feminine legal thinking - prosecute on feelings not facts. This is truly frightening.

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If the Men's Rights Movement ever really takes off, all of these instances where its writings,etc., distinguished between white men and men in general will come back in a BIG way to bite the movement in the butt.

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