JCPenney's Offensive Prison For Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Summary: A guy buys his wife a vaccum cleaner for their anniversary, and she's none too pleased. Ha ha. Then she makes him get down on all fours and enter a doghouse. A little silly, a little creepy, but still a funny ad. Then the guy ends up in the dungeon, with the other naughty husbands. You could actually cut it there and it would be a fun ad. But it turns out all the guys have been there forever, never get released, have to eat food out of dog bowls and beg before an appeals board of privileged white women.

Would there be an outcry if the genders were reversed? Of course. Did Saatchi know about the misandry angle in this ad? Totally. They count on it not only for the initial laughs — extremes are (often) funny! — but also for some internet outcry like this post right here, and the inevitable others scads of blogs everywhere. The ad isn't getting skipped on a TiVo, and, hell, JCPenney doesn't even have to pay to air it.'

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The guys in this video want to know how to get out of the dog house?

It's easy. Divorce. Or better yet don't marry a whore who demands tribute in the form of gold trinkets to begin with.

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Since I am not married and never intend to be the only person I have to worry about pleasing is ME! I think I will go out and buy myself something nice and it will not be from J.C. Penny those misandric pigs! I hope they go bankrupt in this tight economy.

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I don't see this add as misandry. I don't know what the true intention was but I see it as giving men a terrible warning. There is a truth in this 'advert' which men should learn before it is too late. The message is not about vacuum cleaners. It show how men subjugate themselves to women. It's about cunt power. It's about the utter cruelty and selfishness on women. It not a literal film but is rich is meaning.

Have a look at my film --

Again it is supposed to contain a terrible truth.

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and have different opinions of it,
and yet we are all in sync.

the way to not be in this position is just don't sign
any one-sided contracts (marriage license).
don't talk about marriage, and don't allow her to bring it up.
change the subject. be aloof. always best to keep your hand hidden
when dealing w/ women anyway.

if you don't sign up to be a servant, and keep your wits about yourself,
(wear condoms and don't trust HER to do the birth control) the world
can be your oyster. you can have anything you want, when you want it.
young guys don't realize just how much it takes (time and money)
for her to "have it all". take all that and invest it and before long,
a smart guy can be sitting pretty. worked for me.

this sort of treatment in ads makes us mad because it degrades us. no, it would not
be allowed if the roles were reversed; but, that is the beauty of the following concept.
once someone points out and explains, (in a calm voice) to others exactly how bad this is,
and why, then a lot of things come into view for fair minded people.
the caveguys in the GEICO commercial have the right idea.
be insulted. show how insulted you are by making sure others know it, then just
walk away. refuse to even further acknowledge their obvious stupidity, and bigotry.
it becomes just a given.

very often the best offense really is a good defense.

to sum it up, we all need to start letting our friends know what is going on.
my friends know how i feel about being considered a second class citizen.
wherever i am and see this sort of hatred towards men (or anyone), i say something, right
then and there. no hesitation. i will even do it in Church. so beware what you say.
that goes for everybody. all the way up to and including that butt-kissing president.
both of them.

until marriage laws are fixed i'm afraid any man is either ignorant of
the consequences, or p&**y whipped, or just plain stupid if he partakes.
being a better husband in today's world just sets you up to be a bigger chump.
the only forever you can count on today is payments that will seem like forever,
while you remain poor, unloved, unwanted and practically unknown to your kids.

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This ad is truly pathetic and insulting. It is also the epitamy of female entitlement. The idea that if a woman doesn't like a gift you get her she can be a total bitch towards you. I think anyone receiving a gift is lucky to have one, and to act like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum just proves how unworthy you are of a gift to begin with. I also couldn't help but notice that they mention the "Jewelery Store inside JC Penny". A woman who acts like a bitch when she doesn't get a gift she likes is the last person on planet earth I want to buy a ring for.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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