Psychology Today: "How to be happy"
Excellent article from Psychology Today here. Excerpt:
'One of the things that evolution has done is to make men and women very different. In some ways (though not in others), males of one species are often more similar to males of other species than to females of their own species, and vice versa. In some ways, in many ways, men are more similar to male chimpanzees or gorillas than to women. One of the ways that men and women are different is in what makes them happy.
Forget what feminists, hippies, and liberals have told you in the last half century. They are all lies based on political ideology and conviction, not on science. Contrary to what they may have told you, it is very unlikely that money, promotions, the corner office, social status, and political power will make women happy. Similarly, it is very unlikely that quitting their jobs, dropping out of the rat race, and becoming stay-at-home dads to spend all their times with their children will make men happy.'
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Ah the feelings!
Throw out all the crap, and follow your instincts, your feelings. Pretty simplistic in statement, but goes against training a little doesn't it? I don't agree with his statement that opting out of the system is defeat. Some people make a conscience choice to try and think for themselves, and follow what they feel is right. I don't see that as defeat. Interesting article.
David A. DeLong
I see very little of value in this. He pretends to follow science but cites no science in support of his position about happiness. How does he know that "it is very unlikely that quitting their jobs, dropping out of the rat race, and becoming stay-at-home dads to spend all their times with their children will make men happy"? Did he do randomized surveys on this or is there science to back this up? The men I know who became full time dads, like Glenn Sacks, say it's the best decision they ever made.
Would I really be happier by putting feelings over intellect? I "feel" like having lots of sex without a condom, because it feels so good to do it. Would I be happier by doing that, even after I have AIDS because I followed my "feelings"? Would women be happier acting like female chimps who are very promiscuous and frequently cheat on their partners?
I happen to think I have more in common with my sister, my girlfriend and my female friends than with a female chimp, even with regard to what makes me happy. I haven't met a chimp, male or female, who likes music, backpacking, skiing and movies like I do, but alot of human women I know do.
He says to avoid political ideology, but then he selectively advocates "killing" the ideologies he apparently doesn't agree with, i.e. "liberal" and "hippies." So I guess following other ideologies, like "conservative," is ok. By "other ideologies" does that include masculism, which is "the belief that men have been systematically discriminated against, and that that discrimination should be eliminated"? (Oxford Companion to Philosophy)
IMO anyone who advocates "killing" anyone for their beliefs is an idiot to begin with, even if it can be "interpreted" as metaphorical.
Well, these are generalizations and
evolutionary psychology is a dodgy science but I pretty much agree with most of this paragraph:
"What can evolutionary psychology tell us about what we as a society can do so as not to repeat the Swedish mistake and make our citizens happy? The best thing to do is to kill all the feminists and hippies and liberals. Destroy political correctness completely once and for all. Teach boys and girls that they are different, not the same, and that it’s okay (nay, wonderful) to be different. One is not right and the other is not wrong. Stop telling girls that they are inferior versions of boys, as feminists have done for the last half century, or, as has more recently been the case, stop telling boys that they are inferior versions of girls."
Except for the bit about killing feminists, hopefully that was a metaphor.
A project worth quitting your job for
The best thing to do is to kill all the feminists and hippies and liberals. Destroy political correctness completely once and for all.
Posts like the above (from Fibtastic) brings one word to mind: TROLL. That is, "troll" writ large. A sorry attempt to discredit the MRM, it is not "misquided," it is malicious.
My apologies Fibtastic. I was pressed for time and didn't read the article therefore was unaware you were quoting that claptrap. I'm leaving the original post to demonstrate the perils of leaping (to conclusions) before one looks.
On another note, I feel evolutionary psychology is as much junk science as phrenology. Articles like this is why I stopped reading Psychology Today years ago.
Too troublesome
I think Satoshi went a bit too far with this idea. The best thing is just to stop wasting money on feminists and to let them disappear naturally (or maybe only with a little help).
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
Evolutionary Psychology
I'm sorry, I just had to post on this article. While many of the claims that are presented look nice there are two problems. One, there is no evidence for them and two, Evolutionary Psychology can in no way be called a science. It is just no backed up with enough evidence for its claims. We see the same problem with Social Darwinism in the 20's and 30's using evolution where it should not be applied with our current level of technology. This man has no idea what he is talking about.
We as a movement must use REAL data from REAL sciences to support our claims. The use of Evolutionary Psychology just weakens our argument.
link to an editorial explaining why EP is not respected among the scientific community.
I don't know anything about evolutionary psychology but if this guy is a good reprentative of it then can't exactly think much of it. I'm amazed that Psychology Today would print something advocating to kill people for their beliefs. That's just plain hypocrisy and stupidity. And the last people in the world that *I'm* going to kill are *hippies* who IMO generally don't hurt anyone. And if we're going to kill "liberals" then we're going to have to kill alot of MRAs along the way because there are plenty of liberal MRAs regardless of whether they're the majority.