"The Monday After - Some men drive women to kill"
Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-12-08 22:19
Article here. Excerpt:
'Glued to a Play station while moms do real work
I have always believed the cliche about guys not growing up, but now not only has this notion proved to be nauseating, it’s become their greatest excuse.
Guys such as Paul Mashaba and his obsession with computer games make it impossible to be polite and if I have to slam doors again, I’ll also remove the handle.
Please help my best friend’s man and his buddies stay away from computer games. This hobby is childish, it’s time wasting and downright brain smashing.'
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She has a place on our new SoS's staff waiting for her
All she need do is call the Hildebeast and start gabbling and it's hers.
The truth is that computer games seem to be more interesting and important to these guys, maybe if they were given half as much attention during school and society made being a father something that is worthy of achieving then this wouldn't happen. You treat guys like there second rate then don't expect that same person to respect you when you don't respect or appreciate him. Computer games are more interactive than TV than Im sure this woman watches and gossip mags. I don't think she can cope with stress very well, I doubt half the stuff on her TO-DO list is remotely needed to be done. She needs to become a lesbian then there would be two mommy, what could go wrong? Oh yeah, higher incidents of DV.
I've never really been into video games, but I have played a few here and there. Women suggest these games are indicative of immaturity and stupidity. Think again. Many of these games are very difficult! I think women still think guys are playing 1982's Frogger.
I'm sure he considers your
I'm sure he considers your hobbies of flower arranging, shopping, fashion magazines, "celebrity" magazines, collecting scented candles, and collecting tiny stones, to be amazing, and if he wanted you to stop doing any of those things he'd be "controlling and overbearing".
But dictating how HE should run HIS life...that's just fine.
Actually...only just read
Actually...only just read the full article. Going further than suggesting him playing video games is bad....she goes as far as saying ALL men are incapable reason.
"How can we be expected to worship people whose reasoning is usually on the same level as that of a kid who doesn’t think twice about experimenting with a cocktail of dangerous substances just for kicks?"
Why the hell would anyone date her. I wish i was her boyfriend, just so i could dump her bitchy ass for talking about me like that.
(also notice that she refers to HERSELF as a "superhero girlfriend)
She is using the pro-female side of patriarchy when women were treated and thought of being able to do no wrong and being perfect. For some reason this is still ingrain in the female physche along with victim identity. There is simply a new media repeated aspect of general elitism being added into the mix, given the seemingly inate logic reasoning lack of most females this creates frustration when they can't do it all like the TV and Magazines say, so they have to blame something. Any guesses who? Hint: most women seem to be incapable of pointing at themselves.
"Maturity" is service to women
It occurs to me that most women who care about how "mature" a guy is want the following:
1. No habits to kill idle time (video games, comic books, other ways to kill time)
2. Should own a house instead of renting.
3. Must be marriage friendly.
4. Should want children.
5. Must have an adequate income.
This list could be expanded greatly of course. I met one women who when I mentioned I read mainly non-fiction books, she replied: "A lot of men read mostly that." Am I supposed to find some woman to tell me what to read?
If you don't meet a woman's standards, you'll be shamed into meeting them.
I read mainly nonfiction as well, I have this odd habit of trying to expand my knowledge base with facts and root causes of realities of this world. I should be reading fiction and projecting the story in my head into real life, integrating into my social interactions to manipulate someone into meeting the last chapter of the book, get disappointed and take the child, child support and run.
Summed Up
This whole article can be summed up in one sentence:
Heaven forbid any man ever want to do something besides cater or pay attention to his woman!
It's funny, isn't it? When women don't want to spend any time with us, it's because they need "space". When we want space, we're "pushing them away". I swear, in my next relationship I'm calling bullshit on all of the 2x standards.
I too wish I was dating the author of this article, just so I could have the distinct pleasure of dumping her.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!