Women, economic crisis and fightback

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is a newly built women’s prison in Massachusetts where 40 percent of the women have mental health issues and 85 percent have substance abuse issues. In the wake of severe budget cuts, instead of providing social services like drug treatment programs, mental health programs, jobs, childcare, etc., the state is throwing women in jail.

The Women’s Fightback Network in Boston is demanding that the governor declare an economic state of emergency. WFN brings to the forefront how women have been disproportionately victimized by foreclosures, evictions, job loss and budget cuts. Anita Hill wrote an article last year stating that women were particular targets of subprime predatory lenders, especially elderly women and Black and Latina women. One loan officer talked about how she would add many additional costs to the mortgage loan if the client “appeared uneducated, inarticulate, was a minority or was particularly young or old.”

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OH NO they are being treated like, like men!@!!!! OMG The humanity!

Good, too bad they are too selfish as a self identified group to see that they are not suffering any more than men, just more the same. Maybe there should be a unilateral movement to help people regardless of gender? nah, that's crazy.

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Not only do they have the audacity to treat women somewhat like men, but I bet that many, if not most, of the women jailed are violent ones that got the customary slap on the wrist for their crimes while their men are doing hard time. Then, of course, the average female prison is nothing like the average male prison. More like a country club male prison. And still they cry.

To put this in perspective, in NYC the best men's homeless shelters are the ones that are former women's prisons. IOW, they were not adequate as prisons for females but are more than adequate as shelters for males.

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