Brewer: At holiday parties, women are birds, men are pigs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let's look at the different ways the genders approach parties:

Women enjoy parties for the conversation and companionship. Men like that stuff, too, but it's difficult to keep a scintillating conversation going while eating with both hands.
For women, holiday parties offer an opportunity to dress up. For men, parties are a reason to wear pants, at least at first.
At dinner parties, women compliment the chef by oohing over the food and asking for recipes. Men compliment the chef by groaning and asking for more.

Women politely offer to help the hosts serve food and drink. Men sometimes clean up their own spills.

Some fancy parties include dancing, which many women enjoy. Men prefer a challenging game of drunken Twister.'

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... strikes again! Unfortunately when he does, he strikes at the rest of us, too.

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Steve....why do you hate your own gender?

Are you an idiot? Or have you just been blatantly misinformed?

I'm going to go with the idiot, given how you described your own behaviour. Frankly, if you're a slobbish, inconsiderate jackass, and you hang out with slobbish inconsiderate jackasses, then that's YOUR problem, not the problem with men.

I won't bother getting into anecdotal evidence about my own life, and slobbish inconsiderate, jackass women, or fine upstanding men, because they're nothing but anecdotal.

But so is your entire article. I hope to god someone didn't pay you money for that, because you've probably vomited up more intelligent things after one of your parties.

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I love how he basically compares college-aged men at frat parties to adult women at more formal parties. Nice.

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It seems every Christmas party I go to has 10-20 guys drunk off their asses looking to play twister??????????

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the awesome game of strip poker

going on upstairs w/ the really HOT wild chicks
and the ....

what, you guys don't go to those kind of parties?

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Mr. Steve Brewer describes himself as a pig. I won't argue with that because he's knows himself better than anyone else and he seems to be one. He can't acknowledge that he is a pig because of his individual self so he blames it on all men. It's not his fault he's a pig because he claims all men are such.

When Mr. Brewer attributes people as pigs, he should speak for himself instead of painting a whole sex with his broad porcine brush.

He's a self-described pig and he's evidently an auto-misandrist. Therefore he's a sexist pig.

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I'm really getting tired of being labelled this moronic, bumbling, clumsy, fat, insociable, tactless, inconsiderate, individual just because I have a stick and a set of twins down below. I think daringest hit it on the nose. Brewer can speak for himself, not the entire male gender.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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