More from the "male = unfaithful" department

This is positively laughable! Be prepared for amusement. Excerpt:

'6. When away on business, this new love of yours doesn't provide details about what activities are occurring — and doesn't share the name and phone number of a hotel, either. Um, maybe because your special someone isn't away on business?

7. You start to notice that your new honey prefers to email you rather than call you. (This could be because his or her partner is in the other room.)

8. Often when this person calls you, the calls are (a) kept short, (b) end abruptly, and/or (c) conducted in a barely audible voice. All signs that someone else may be in the picture.

9. When you first meet this love interest, you're only given a work number — and getting a cell-phone number is very slow-going ... (probably out of fear that you'll call when he or she is out with the significant other).'

Let's think about just these four for a minute. Item 6: Well, does she ask for this information? But even after three or four dates, detailing one's business itinerary is still a bit much. Item 7: Ever work in a busy office without much privacy? E-mail is the only way to actually communicate in any way that isn't hushed if you don't want your coworkers pestering you for "Details!". Item 8: See item 7. Item 9: This may well be the best of the entire list. For many people, a cell number is a sign you feel the other person won't post it on the Internet or otherwise spread it around. Cell phones cost the caller and the callee; until you know you are not dating a loon, keeping your cell number to yourself is not a bad idea. As for home numbers, these are all but off the map now that so many have cell phones and don't need land-lines at home. The only thing left is a work number. One could say reticence to give a work number is as "bad" as not handing out one's cell number after a short time dating.

Here's a criterion the author left out: "And finally, does your new love have a penis? If so, it's almost a certain sign he already has three families in three other states, four mistresses on the side, a $2000/day prostitute habit, and to top it all off, he has a French rent-boy he gets with while he's in Marseilles *supposedly* on business! Run, girl, run!"

This is like late night comedy/variety show stuff.

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6. Are you my mom?
7. Why waste free minutes on you?
8. You're just boring.
9. See 7.

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