20/20: The Age of Consent: When Young Love Is a Sex Crime

Story here. Excerpt:

'Twelve years ago, Frank Rodriguez pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a child.

Faced with two to 20 years in prison on the charge, he signed a plea bargain that gave him seven years probation. He was told he must never be near children. That meant he couldn't be any place where children gather, like playgrounds or parks, which made it tough to find work.
Rodriguez completed his seven years' probation without another violation, but he will forever be on the Texas sex offender registry. And what was the nature of the sex crime he committed? Well, when he was 19, Frank had sex with his 15 year-old girlfriend, Nikki Prescott, at her suggestion.

"It was my idea," she said. "I would say I pushed it more."'

ABC News Video: Age of Consent: Double Standard?

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I'm not surprised that John Stossel was involved in this story. He is one of the few reporters at ABCNews who "gets it."



"Stand up for what is right, especially if you stand alone."

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