"Boys were found to lie and steal more than girls"

Article here. Excerpt:

'American teenagers lie, steal and cheat more at "alarming rates," a study of nearly 30,000 high school students concluded Monday.
In its 2008 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth, the Los Angeles-based organization said the teenagers' responses to questions about lying, stealing and cheating "reveals entrenched habits of dishonesty for the workforce of the future."

Boys were found to lie and steal more than girls.
"As bad as these numbers are, it appears they understate the level of dishonesty exhibited by America's youth," the study warned, noting than more than a fourth of the students (26 percent) admitted they had lied on at least one or two of the survey questions.'

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Not sure I believe any of this. People ask a lot of nosey questions. I feel under no oblation to answer a question that is none of any one else's business. As for answering servey questions I would make it a matter of pride to make up whatever I felt.

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I remember surveys in school like these including surveys about sex. I never told the truth on them because I felt is was none of the schools buisiness. So I answered whatever I felt like on those.

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That's what this research is.

The girls are just better liars.

Even when asked. Duh.

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these lying girls are just training for real life...where 40% (in a british study) admitted that they would lie about birth control to their boyfriends if the girl wanted to get pregnant. 40% !!!!

oregon dad

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Personally I don't care who lies or steals more, boys or girls. As long as both lie or steal, a problem exists.



"Stand up for what is right, especially if you stand alone."

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If kids are liars, how do we know they're telling the truth on this survey?

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